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MAGA Maoism

... eeking to block the certification of Biden’s victory, also wanted to execute Pence by hanging. There is a disturbingly strong historical analogy to the Republican Party’s transformation into a cult of ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-02

How 3D spatial information brings people closer to nature

... n 43 town blocks in Wan Chai as the research sub-object, covering Lockhart Road, Fleming Road, Jaffe Road, and Johnston Road. Within the area, there are many old buildings in mix with 30 to 40-storey ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-02

日美陸上實戰演習 強化同盟規模最大

... 方移交11枚標準3型Block IIA攔截導彈,準備由部署太平洋或歐洲的軍艦搭載。希克斯上月27日通知國會部署 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年06月24日

Why China will be the world’s largest oil refiner in 2021

...  building block for everything from food packaging, clothing, cosmetics and fertilizer, even car interiors. According to industry consultant Wood Mackenzie, approximately 70% to 80% of new refining ca ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-02

Do free markets still beat central planning?

... an easily block progress. But this does not mean that policymaking in China is not collaborative. On the contrary, before making a major policy decision, China’s leaders consult with think tanks and a ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-27

Will corporate greed prolong the pandemic?

... allies to block any such waiver negotiations. But pressure on the Biden administration to reverse this self-defeating blockade has been growing, garnering the support of 200 Nobel laureates and former ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-07

America First, Biden-style

... world and block the Kremlin’s efforts to weaken, divide, and ultimately destroy the EU. But its refusal to help Macron by shipping some of America’s excess vaccine supplies (some of which it is now ri ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-06

贏家值得追尋 難在風雨同路

... 頂。 規模如此驚人的block trades對大市不可能沒有影響,何況被投行斬倉的不僅中概股,還有Viacom ...全文



加密貨幣建基於區塊鏈(Blockchain)技術,主張去中心化。近年虛擬貨幣價格升勢甚急,掀起新一輪投資潮。本 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年03月29日

入場費20萬需求不減 增設櫃員機

... 平台Genesis Block創辦人兼總監洪嘉昊接受本報專訪時稱,最近數月不少新手入場,其註冊用戶量較去年同期 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年03月29日

Biden’s sensible stimulus

... he GOP to block further measures to boost the economy. America did indeed err in 2009-10 in limiting the size and duration of the fiscal expansion. Regardless of where precisely one locates that mista ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-26


... 巡航導彈「第五型」(Block V)造價100萬美元,由原有軍火商雷神製造,彈頭進行了改裝,可以穿透軍艦的裝甲 ...全文


Genesis Block料虛幣潮未最熱

比特幣(Bitcoin)近日一度升穿6萬美元,香港虛擬貨幣OTC交易平台Genesis Block創辦人兼總監 ...全文


Solving payment complexity key to merchant success in Hong kong

... ssary roadblocks for customers. The case for payment orchestration As they are getting up and running, many merchants will choose a single payment services provider (PSP) that combines just enough pay ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-18

總值升至210億 渾水開名狙擊

... 洛克(Carson Block)指出,SPAC是沽空的重點領域,屬於他認為「糟糕透頂」(abysmal),而沽 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年03月16日


... re新聞唔肯畀錢,仲block咗澳洲fb嘅新聞鏈接!不管有錢定冇錢,做人都唔好咁朱克伯格啦!   ...全文



... 凍 就是這樣,她從此block了他。 在朋友把這故事告訴占飛的時候,她同時把在日本買回來的手信送給占飛——那是 ...全文


GameStop高位插八成 散戶易損手

... 洛克(Carson Block)表示,去年發布「中國欺詐公司」沽空研究後已被挾淡倉,直斥早在GameStop事 ...全文



沽空機構渾水(Muddy Waters)創辦人布洛克(Carson Block)接受雅虎財經訪問時稱,市場早在 ...全文


散戶挾倉潮退 GME白銀價回落

... 洛克(Carson Block)接受彭博訪問時表示,懷疑有對沖基金參與GameStop事件,與同行自相殘殺,因 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年02月03日

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