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歐美數傳媒機構 俄擬列情報機關

... le)、Radio Liberty等外國傳媒列為「外國情報機關」,以報復美國司法部要求由俄國政府資助的今日俄羅 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年11月14日

與友言歡 烹牛為樂

... eef & Liberty與紐約著名手工啤酒品牌Brooklyn Brewery合作,將牛肉美食融入啤 ...全文


中資續外闖 復星首染指以國FinTech

... ndi及美國媒體公司Liberty Media等。 另一邊廂,早前傳因活躍於海外併購而受查的復星集團,再傳有意 ...全文



... rity, and Liberty和Brion McClanahan的9 Presidents Who Scr ...全文



... re not at liberty to incite others to kill people. Incitement to kill is a crime indictable at common law. One would have expected an ex-president of the Law Society to be sufficiently versed in the l ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-22


... S.Mill在On Liberty上如是說,阿Sir在呼吸古巴雪茄之間,鬍鬚叢中想必recite從容。   ...全文


AT&T weighing sale of Latin American TV assets

...  private. Liberty Global Plc, Spanish telecommunications company Telefonica SA and Millicom International Cellular SA, a wireless player in Latin America, are some of the companies that could express ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-18


... 的《自由領導人民》(Liberty Leading the People),以法國七月革命為題材,所呈現的乃人 ...全文


Liu Xia: A woman whose existence is an embarrassment to China

... vation of liberty of Liu Xia, being in contravention to articles 9, 10 and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is arbitrary… “The Working Group requests the Government of China to take th ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-14

The law is not a matter of convenience

What do tyrants and other enemies of liberty do when they come across a law that threatens to stop them getting their way? First, they start bleating over "unnecessary legal obstacles". Then they emph ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-28


... tution of Liberty,又譯為《自由秩序原理》)則是其政治哲學名著。劉曉波在文中表達了強烈的主觀態 ...全文



... Malone)旗下的Liberty Media正研究入股美國無線網絡商Sprint,投資額介乎100億至200 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年07月17日

Liu Xiaobo – a grim historical comparison

... as denied liberty. Meanwhile, the only part of China where Liu’s death can be openly mourned and freely discussed is in Hong Kong. Yet, the liberty that the Hong Kong SAR still enjoys is being undermi ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-14

Donald Trump’s trade knowledge deficit

As a longtime champion of liberty and free trade, it is not surprising that the United States enjoys one of the highest standards of living in the world. But unless its policymakers act soon, the US c ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-23

經典元素 溫故知新

... 設計的經典花卉圖案及Liberty特別為Paul Smith構思的印花互相輝映,渲染出英式風景。又見褲腳設計特 ...全文



... mption of liberty)。換言之,如果A想侵犯B的生命、財產或自由,則舉證責任(burden of ...全文


Restaurant fined HK$5,000 for replacing abalone with conch meat

...  took the liberty of replacing abalone with conch meat for the purpose of saving cost, according to Headline Daily. The chefs concerned have been fired and the owner of the restaurant has apologized. ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-09


... ucture of Liberty這兩本書,對有關「多中心法律秩序」的多個常見疑問(例如怎樣調和不同保安機構之 ...全文


Civic Square seen likely to reopen after Carrie Lam takes office

... fice. The Liberty Party and the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions also support the idea, saying reopening the square will mean a fresh start. Liberty Party chairman Felix Chung said Lam should do i ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-20

Pro-establishment parties to recommend names for Lam team

...  from the Liberty Party, said his group will come up with its own recommendations in about two weeks. Chung revealed that one person on the list is the party chairman Cheung Yu-yan, also a sitting law ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-10

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