... 6億港元)股份,其中Vivo Capital認購1000萬美元股份,晟德大藥廠及年興維京群島分別認購500萬美 ...全文
... 6億港元)股份,其中Vivo Capital認購1000萬美元股份。 該公司集資所得其中30%用於為TAB00 ...全文
... nologies, Vivo and Oppo in market share. Banking on its high brand awareness in the domestic market, Xiaomi remains optimistic that it will be leading the field again, especially with the smartphone b ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-23
... 賽事,中國賽主贊助商vivo亦決定「割席」。中國外交部批評NBA,「跟中方開展交流與合作,卻不了解中國的民意, ...全文
... 賽事,中國賽主贊助商vivo亦決定「割席」。中國外交部批評NBA,「跟中方開展交流與合作,卻不了解中國的民意, ...全文
... 續發酵,內地手機廠商vivo在官微發文表示,該公司始終堅守國家利益高於一切的原則,堅決反對任何挑戰國家主權及領 ...全文
... als, from Vivo and Oppo to Xiaomi and Huawei, to push the envelope. Not that the Apple 11 series is perfect. Far from it. Many users are complaining that the new gadgets tend to overheat or have a wea ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-25
... 包括小米、Oppo和Vivo,詢問供應鏈結構,以及與美國公司的關係。 思科等不再獲邀投標 報道指出,中國此舉可 ...全文
... 包括小米、Oppo和Vivo,詢問供應鏈結構和美國公司的關係。 中國官員上周重申,近期內公布「不可靠實體清單」 ...全文
... 面,小米、OPPO和Vivo已經結成合作夥伴關係,以加速在這3個品牌的智能手機之間的數據傳輸。 最新推出的《3 ...全文
... i, Honor, Vivo and Lenovo have long been selling their smartphones through official dealers in Hong Kong, while OnePlus is selling through its official website. These Chinese smartphone brands have fo ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-20
小米(01810)、OPPO和Vivo已經結成合作夥伴關係,以加速在這3個品牌的智能手機之間的數據傳輸。 OP ...全文
... 高的動力。 第二位的vivo次季度出貨量出現下滑,由於季內沒有旗艦新品發布,主要通過對X系列機型的補充;第三位 ...全文
... .1%。其中,華為、Vivo、OPPO、小米(01810)及蘋果公司分別排名出貨量前五。累計今年上半年,整體中 ...全文
... 率皆下滑,Oppo及Vivo出貨量分別按年挫18%及19%;小米出貨量按年勁跌20%,至1150萬部;蘋果手機 ...全文
... 別為華為、OPPO及vivo。三廠商的出貨總量佔智能手機市場的71.4%,其中華為的市場份額34.3%,銷量按 ...全文
... 's Honor, Vivo and Oppo. At the same time, it hopes to do well in the premium market. One of the main problems, however, is supply chain management. In late February, Xiaomi unveiled the Mi 9 flagship ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-11
... , Xiaomi, Vivo and Oppo, Samsung has seen its market share in the country fall to low single digits. Reduced to a bit player in the world's biggest smartphone market, after once being the top brand th ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-04
... com rival Vivo has also rapidly developed an impressive sports sponsorship portfolio. One suspects that Vivo’s title sponsorship of Indian Premier League cricket isn’t coincidental, and that it is int ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-28