On September 6, Basic Books is publishing Slouching Towards Utopia, my economic history of the “long twentieth century” from 1870 to 2010. It is past time, I argue, that we shift our understanding of ...More
EJ Insight2022-09-01
Artificial Intelligence – synthetic entities that possess ‘intelligence’, defined by some to denote the capacity to develop and adhere to complex commands, engage in some form of reasoning processes t ...More
EJ Insight2022-09-01
All curious minds wonder why Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu’s two-day visit to Guangzhou and Shenzhen starting today was cancelled and what it would mean for the widely anticipated border reopening ...More
EJ Insight2022-08-31
... clusive economic zone (EEZ), threatening fishing boats from the Japanese island of Yonaguni, which is just 68 miles (110 kilometers) from Taiwan. Although China’s military exercises ended after severa ...More
EJ Insight2022-08-31
As the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Rochelle Walensky, recently acknowledged, poor public-health communication and messaging throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has damaged ...More
EJ Insight2022-08-31
Some data points over recent weeks fuelled hopes that the US economy could be stabilizing with inflation gradually converging towards the Fed’s target – a goldilocks scenario for equities. We would ca ...More
EJ Insight2022-08-31
... 資本時這樣說過: Consequently, it is fully in keeping with the ...全文
... ut, occasionally, a pleasant political surprise encourages policymakers and activists to press on in the fight against global warming. The recent passage of the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which ...More
EJ Insight2022-08-30
The bond market has literally gone up in flames after a decade of falling yields reversed in a matter of weeks. Starting with low yields, tight spreads and high equity multiples, changing fundamentals ...More
EJ Insight2022-08-30
WANG ON GROUP(01222) 二零二二年環境、社會及管治報告(2MB, pdf) ...全文
A healthy population is both a cause and a result of economic growth and development. But achieving both today requires policymakers to leave their comfort zones. Specifically, a new generation of glo ...More
EJ Insight2022-08-29
The next-generation internet or Web 3.0 has become a hot topic due to the large inflow of funds into related industries in recent years. It targets the drawbacks of personal information being sold by ...More
EJ Insight2022-08-29
In his Moscow workshop, Andrei Ivanov repairs cars, some made in Europe. “After the West imposed sanctions, I found it hard to buy the spare parts I needed. But now I buy them from China. But you must ...More
EJ Insight2022-08-29
特區政府繼前年花費近4900萬港元,聘請曾協助沙地阿拉伯政府重建國際形象的公關公司Consulum宣傳香港後, ...全文
WANG ON GROUP(01222) 於二零二二年八月二十六日舉行之股東週年大會之投票結果(224KB, ...全文
美股調整咗一陣,氣氛未見有太大逆轉,資金仍然傾向risk on,加上有消息指中美就中概股審計問題接近達成協議, ...全文