... ss rotten apple”. Another thing that is noteworthy about the recent Taiwanese elections is that a lot of the winning KMT candidates are actually not traditional pan-Blue political figures. For examp ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-10
... ht years, Apple Daily reported. Based on 2017 data from the Census and Statistics Department, it is expected that as many as 156,800 workers will benefit from the rate increase, with those in property ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-10
After Apple's shares sank following a profit warning about worse-than-expected quarterly revenue last week, chief executive Tim Cook has been trying to put a positive spin to the company's outlook. Co ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-10
Apple may not be participating in the Consumer Electronics Show that is underway in Las Vegas, but the company has still found itself grabbing the news headlines, thanks to a key announcement. The US ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-09
... ;至於能否取代蘋果(Apple)成為獨步天下的「股王」,相信機會不細。 蘋果在2018年8月晉身第一家市值超過 ...全文
... ;至於能否取代蘋果(Apple)成為獨步天下的「股王」,相信機會不細。 蘋果在2018年8月晉身第一家市值超過 ...全文
... dge after Apple last week lowered its quarterly sales forecast, citing poor iPhone sales in China, Reuters noted. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-08
... 公布跟亞馬遜合作,讓Apple Music登陸亞馬遜智能喇叭Echo。 分析指盈警罪魁為iPhone XR 蘋 ...全文
Apple ran a commercial last year in which a kid with an iPad asks, "What's a computer?” As the first to come up with the term "Post-PC era", Apple is obviously aiming to replace personal computers wit ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-07
蘋果公司(Apple)行政總裁庫克(Tim Cook)最新的致股東信,可能是史上最昂貴的一封,蘋果股價因那幾頁 ...全文
... 果收入愈半來源,無論Apple Watch或其他服務收益如何急起直追,始終不能動搖iPhone的「現金牛」地位 ...全文
... pete with Apple’s iPhone, on New Year’s Day wished followers a “Happy #2019” in a tweet marked sent “via Twitter for iPhone”. The tweet was quickly removed but screenshots of the blunder spread across ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-04
... buyer is Apple Inc, the chance of them not paying would be limited, Vittorio De Angelis, executive chairman and co-founder of Veotrade explained. Among other things, Velotrade will look at past trans ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-04
While Apple chief executive Tim Cook blamed weak China sales for the company’s poor holiday season performance, Xiaomi Corp., one of the country's leading smartphone makers, announced on Thursday that ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-04
Qualcomm Inc. took steps to enforce a court order banning the sale of some iPhone models in Germany, a move that will likely see Apple Inc. pull those iPhone models from its German stores, Reuters rep ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-04
... 資者飽食驚風散,手上Apple Watch隨時要自動撥打緊急電話。踏入新一年,蘋果發出噩耗,調低季度收入預測, ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年01月04日
... 不覺已蒸發三成,持有Apple股票已不再是value for money的問題,而是近兩個月的跌勢會否成為「股 ...全文
... one maker Apple and Japanese conglomerate SoftBank Group, as well as the Chinese internet behemoth Tencent Holdings (00700.HK), among its other backers. According to figures provided by Didi, it curre ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-03