... 國證券及交易委員會(SEC)正調查Tesla有否違反「重要」事件必須披露的規定。 Tesla宣傳旗下汽車時,一 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年07月13日
Tesla Motors Inc. may have broken US securities laws by failing to disclose a fatal crash in May involving one of its cars on auto-pilot. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the Securities and E ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-12
Investors Exchange (IEX) has won approval from the US Securities and Exchange Commission as a national securities exchange. The trading platform has a so-called speed bump of 350 microseconds, which i ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-04
... 美國證券交易委員會(SEC)也在去年底准許Overstock用區塊鏈發行股票,區塊鏈甚至可應用於政府稅收、供應 ...全文
... by the US Securities and Exchange Commission of its Chinese delivery unit and Japanese technology giant SoftBank Group Corp. disclosed plans to sell a US$10 billion stake. “There’s been an accumulatio ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-13
阿里巴巴前天「自爆」遭美國證券及交易委員會(SEC)調查,內容牽涉集團去年「雙十一」購物節數據的真實性,以及旗 ...全文
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. is being investigated by US securities regulators for its accounting practices. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has asked the Chinese e-commerce giant to volun ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-26
阿里巴巴再度被美國證交會(SEC)調查,阿里巴巴在年報中披露,SEC正進行調查,涉及會計計算方法是否違反聯邦證 ...全文
... 訊號還有證監會申報(SEC filing)中顯示Wes Bush於5月4日沽售手頭上三分之一的公司股票,每股作 ...全文
... ,其日前提交監交會(SEC)的文件顯示,截至3月31日止,該公司持有981萬股蘋果股票,在首季末價值約10.7 ...全文
... 國證券及交易委員會(SEC)和司法部的會計問題調查,但沒有透露受影響的是哪些公司。 彭博周四引述消息報道,華府 ...全文
... ant的強勢形象。 SEC調查遲遲不披露 如今Valeant的盔甲變成塑膠,寥寥無幾的盟友開始動搖,包括高調沽 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年03月04日
... 美國證券交易委員會(SEC)控告。 採措施改善內部流程 SEC於當地時間周二(1日)證實,高通已同意支付750 ...全文
... th the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the US Justice Department in “an investigation into certain of its hiring practices in Asia”. About 10 banks in the United States and Europe have said ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-02