
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 ...150


... lobalisation and the rise of action movies in Hollywood ...全文


A bold and realistic energy transition

Record growth in renewables, representing over 80% of all new power-generating capacity last year, is the clearest sign yet that the energy transition is gathering pace. But recent events have shown t ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-18

Holes in the recession story

With so much talk of stagnation, inflation, and stagflation in recent months, it is worth questioning whether the prevailing pessimism is justified. While I have shared in the gloom (warning early on ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-18

大鱷神仙打架 空頭摸底清倉

...  and move on是用來安慰別人的,輪到自己見財化水時,話忘記就忘記談何容易,差別只在需要多少時間重拾鬥 ...全文



... 前年在銅鑼灣LOG-ON發現有這個牌子的指甲鉗,連忙廣告親朋,其中一個姊妹更大量入貨,作為聖誕禮物送給家人。 ...全文


Absolute loyalty, but at what cost?

It would be rather uncontroversial to suggest that loyalty is a virtue. It is, hopefully, equally uncontroversial to note that unquestioning, unyielding, and unconditional loyalty is a vice. Loyalty t ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-17

Can gender equality be saved?

Sudanese protester Alaa Salah became a symbol of her country’s revolution after standing atop a car, dressed in white, and singing to her fellow demonstrators. Ugandan climate-justice activist Vanessa ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-17

Will two-dish rice sell in Pacific Place?

...  rice commonly available in Mong Kok and industrial areas such as Kwun Tong and Tsuen Wan, Remedy Me seems to put a special emphasis on health with many Ketogenic and vegetarian offers, thanks to the ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-17

Hmlet Austin Avenue月租1.2萬起

... et Knight on Wyndham將加入這個生活方式品牌,並成為品牌旗下所有香港項目當中最中心的一個。 ...全文


How EY supports corporates in igniting GBA opportunities

Leverage on Hong Kong’s edge as international financial center EY supports corporates in igniting GBA opportunities This is the fourth year since the release of the Outline Development Plan for the Gu ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-16

Taking back the ocean

Earlier this summer, the United Nations convened its Ocean Conference (UNOC) in Lisbon, Portugal. The goal was to “to propel much needed science-based innovative solutions aimed at starting a new chap ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-16

WING ON CO(00289) 董事會召開日期

WING ON CO(00289) 董事會召開日期(227KB, pdf) ...全文


Protecting data at intersection of zero trust and open source

As the federal government continues its emergence from the pandemic, its information technology strategy is being influenced by two compelling, but divergent trends—zero trust and open source. Thanks ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-15

Advanced technologies can enhance hiking safety

As of mid-July this year, the Fire Department has recorded 12 fatalities in hiking accidents, close to the total of last year. With the stabilised epidemic trend, the relaxation of social distancing ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-15

How India can sustain rapid economic growth

One country stands out from the gloomy overall tone of the International Monetary Fund’s recent update of its World Economic Outlook. Against the backdrop of tepid 3.2% global growth in 2022, the IMF ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-15

Taiwan firms trapped in worsening Sino-U.S. Cold War

The military exercises of the People’s Liberation Army were a dress rehearsal for an air and sea blockade of Taiwan. Relations between the two sides have fallen to their lowest level since 1949. Trapp ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-15

【信號連成】美國通脹未脫險 恒指走勢可略看好

... 見頂論」,Risk-on情緒極為濃厚,並有不少投資者回歸FOMO(Fear Of Missing Out)及T ...全文



... and catch on to His coattails as He marches past. "— Ot ...全文


WANG ON GROUP(01222) 其他-雜項

WANG ON GROUP(01222) 更改香港股份過戶登記分處地址(108KB, pdf) ...全文


【盤房來料】港股成交縮水 波幅欠奉 超級趕客

... 算大,暫時risk on情緒仍然高漲。至於港股今早表現反覆向好,上下波幅只有146點,半日成交額不足400億元 ...全文


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