Chan Kam-lam, acting chairman of the Legislative Council Finance Committee, defended his decision last week that the committee members had voted to pass the extra budget for the Express Rail Link. He ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-14
... 每月68元就可以收看電視廣播(00511) 煲劇應用程式myTV SUPER,以及在每晚11時至早上7時期間無 ...全文
As Miss Hong Kong, Louisa Mak Ming-sze gets lots of privileges such as getting invited into exclusive parties, but joining a bash at her alma mater is probably not one of them. We almost fell off our ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-08
... 劇 亞視即將完成免費電視廣播的歷史任務,黎嘉恩對此亦感可惜。他憶述小時候自己也愛看亞視,「有幪面超人,我亦喜歡 ...全文
亂世香江,荒誕事超乎你想像,公關工作難過千里走單騎;公關災難時刻出現,公關們隨時激到變關公。亞洲電視公關及宣傳 ...全文
一雞死一雞鳴,亞視難逃停播命運,電視廣播(00511)(TVB)則遠交近攻。電視廣播早前宣布推出新收費煲劇平台 ...全文
... TV用戶搶先睇 比起電視廣播(00511)傳統黃金時段播放重頭劇集,ViuTV暫定節目表卻大相逕庭,晚上6時半 ...全文
原來康華在數年前已不再是無綫的「親生女」,近年偶然回娘家簽部頭合約拍劇,上月播畢的《刀下留人》,她以萬貴妃一角 ...全文
... 到風,聽聞無綫電視(電視廣播,00511)一名高層,豪擲80080元,買了一條每注10元共16個字的複式六合彩 ...全文
春節期間跟狼王歐遊,見不到旺角事件為乾淨;那邊廂卻見到不少新趣,可以回來跟讀者分享。旺角事件之得失尚有待辯論, ...全文
香港怎樣了、出了什麼問題?財政司司長曾俊華說「我們曾經瘟疫、戰亂……走出一條路」。當年我跟彭定康談香港(和中國 ...全文
Television Broadcasts Ltd. (00511.HK) defended its decision to use Putonghua and simplified Chinese characters in a prime-time news program as more complaints swamped the Communications Authority over ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-25