
共 2239 個結果
頁數:1...104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112


美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)一名記者昨晨於天津一間醫院前進行直播時,遭一群身份不明人士拉扯及拍打鏡頭,導致報道 ...全文


劏房問題 何時終結?

... ,美國有線新聞網絡(CNN)曾報道本港一間床位寓所(籠屋)的情況,六七百呎單位住近20人,環境極差,引起國際關 ...全文



... an others CNN剛公布了「World's Coolest Bookstores」,共有17間書店入選 ...全文


易服出寫真 男兒當出位

... 白髮阿伯出位,連美國CNN電視台都曾派員訪問他。 小林秀章本身在一印刷公司當工程師,高薪厚職,更擁有一項發明的 ...全文


India will have more people than China by 2022

... xceed it, CNN said, citing the UN study. The new projection has India overtaking China's population six years earlier than previously predicted. According to the forecasts, India will have 1.5 billion ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-03


... 年正式退休,近日接受CNN訪問時道出如何把億元身家揮霍掉,導致破產收場。「賺得多使得多,我為自己建立了奢侈的生 ...全文


Why Hong Kong is the only Asian hub for global media

... wspapers. CNN International’s Asian operations center is in Taikoo Place. Hong Kong is a key hub of the news network alongside London, Abu Dhabi and its home base in Atlanta. Award-winning anchors and ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-24

US admiral flew surveillance mission over South China Sea

... arrying a CNN crew flew over the disputed waters in May which China called "irresponsible and dangerous".   Swift described his flight as routine and did not did not say if China responded to it. "We ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-20

親俄分子亂翻遺物 多國促懲兇

... 。美國有線新聞網絡(CNN)日前報道,報告草稿指出客機被親俄武裝分子擊落。烏克蘭總統波羅申科(Petro Po ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年07月18日

歷時年半 飲食界中日談判

... 》也登門造訪,「連《CNN》都來了,這是我從來沒想過的,反響之大比我想像的大兩三倍。我不希望傳媒只把這裏看成吃 ...全文



... 對此幾乎是當作透明,CNN和BBC隻字不提,原因是西方世界被伊朗談判和希臘危機籠罩,無暇顧及中國的事情,相信在 ...全文


Why China’s soft power is limited

... titors of CNN and the BBC, the international audience for brittle propaganda is vanishingly small. The US, by contrast, derives much of its soft power not from the government but from civil society – ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-13


...  美國有線新聞網絡(CNN)播出斯韋特被捕時的畫面,他當時身穿一件迷彩外套,面容顯得十分憔悴及蒼白,臉上有已乾 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年06月30日


... 落的肥師奶擔任嗎? CNN的專家又在七嘴八舌分析,肥師奶怎樣會愛上殺人犯,是自我形象低落所以嘗試增加刺激?是自 ...全文


South Carolina church massacre suspect arrested while fleeing

A 21-year-old white man has made his first court appearance after being arrested in the killing of nine people in a historic African-American church in South Carolina. CNN is reporting that Dylann Roo ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-19

Kurdish party thwarts Erdogan's ambitions in Turkish election

... the vote, CNN Turk reported, a result that will leave it struggling to form a stable government for the first time since it came to power more than a decade ago. "We expect a minority government and a ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-08

China begins righting capsized cruise ship

... en to 77, CNN cited authorities as saying. More than 360 people, many in their 60s and 70s, remain unaccounted for, and authorities appear to be bracing for the worst. The ship was said to be carrying ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-05

Avoiding conflict in the South China Sea

... a team of CNN reporters on board). The US response was designed to prevent China from creating a fait accompli that could close off large parts of the South China Sea. Nevertheless, the original polic ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-04

US tax agency believes hacker attack originated in Russia: CNN

The US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) believes a hacker attack that led to the theft of personal information on more than 100,000 US taxpayers originated in Russia, CNN reported on Wednesday, citing s ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-28

B.B. King was poisoned, say daughters

...  neglect, CNN reported Wednesday. King died on May 14 in his Las Vegas home under hospice care, aged 89. No investigation was conducted at the time of his death. King's attending physician listed the ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-27

頁數:1...104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112

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