... us on his YouTube channel. Asked about how he would describe his relationship with aviation in a single word, Chui said: “Dream. Because I am a dreamer, I always dream high and big! Aviation has taken ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-23
... lphabet旗下的YouTube每月經常用戶達15億人;蘋果、fb及Twitter正嘗試自製節目並賣版權。 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年01月18日
為防有人透過暴力及種族主義等賺取廣告收入,YouTube母公司Google宣布,YouTube即日起收緊影片廣 ...全文
... 才是對的。他舉例說,YouTube上很多追隨者的來源是多樣性的,許多人都在依靠自己獨特的才能生活。 市傳小米有 ...全文
... nched its YouTube TV in the US market last year. The full article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Jan 15 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] R ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-16
... e such as YouTube or Tudou as the latter largely offer pre-recorded programs. China's live streaming market has 390 million users, generating income worth 34 billion yuan last year, according to data ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-12
... et Inc.’s YouTube play in spreading propaganda. Zuckerberg said an overhaul of the company’s products, beginning with changes to the algorithms that control the News Feed, would help to address those ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-12
... agram and YouTube? In general, which operating system is more vulnerable to cryptojacking via apps, Android or iOS or others? A: Yes. Cryptojacking can be commenced via apps. Industry security researc ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-12
早前上傳日本自殺者遺體影片的美國網絡紅人Logan Paul遭進一步封殺,YouTube採取行動,把他的頻道由 ...全文
美國網絡紅人Logan Paul去年除夕於YouTube上傳15分鐘的影片,「展示」日本青木原樹海的自殺者遺體 ...全文
... 拍了好幾場戲,隨便上YouTube都可看到,但導演Robert Zemeckis愈拍愈感到不對勁,「Eric是 ...全文
... 愛面對傳媒,喜歡透過YouTube或自己的網誌溝通。 伍德福德的業務近年遇上滑鐵盧,去年夏天作出一連串錯誤投資 ...全文