元朗YOHO Town 2座高層E室,實用面積約516方呎,3房間隔,外望開揚山景,原開價928萬元,經議價後 ...全文
... g a small town (fortunately ‘tis a small one) in Cedar Creek, a coastal Californian village. In seeking to make sense of the pandemic, and with the help of some “kind strangers”, Daniels comes to the ...More
EJ Insight2022-02-17
元朗YOHO Town 8座高層E室,2房間隔,享開揚景觀,實用面積約422方呎,原業主開價約790萬元交吉放 ...全文
元朗YOHO Town 9座中層C室,實用面積約463方呎,2房間隔,以1.42萬元獲承租,實用呎租約31元。 ...全文
... ay at the town centre is an integrated community serving commercial, residential and recreational purposes. Being Singapore’s national land use planning and conservation authority, not only does URA f ...More
EJ Insight2022-02-07
... 45%。 YOHO Town嘉湖呎價贏大市 事實上,部分私人屋苑樓價去年明顯跑贏大市,利嘉閣地產數據指出,以去 ...全文
... ,直至近年Yoho Town建成前,也缺少其他新市鎮常見的大型屋苑。元朗市中心的偏遠位置,反為它帶來更精緻和人 ...全文
... 《市鎮理事會法令》(Town Council Act,下稱「市鎮會」),並成立17個具法定機構地位的市鎮會。市 ...全文
元朗YOHO Town 5座低層C室,實用面積393方呎,2房間隔,叫價715萬元,最終減至688萬元沽出,實 ...全文
... venues in town (e.g. a limited number of select hotels, ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年01月06日
... venues in town (e.g. a limited number of select hotels, convention centers, and meeting venues), without travel restrictions; and where entry into and exit from these regions are heavily monitored by ...More
EJ Insight2022-01-05
元朗YOHO Town 5座低層B室,實用面積393方呎,2房間隔,景致開揚,叫價710萬元,零議價沽出,實用 ...全文
元朗YOHO Town 1座高層C室,實用面積393方呎,2房間隔,享開揚遠景,叫價745萬元,以739.8萬 ...全文
... 在開普敦(Cape Town)一家照護中心安詳離世。他於1997年被診斷出罹患前列腺癌,近年因與治療癌症相關的 ...全文
... 元,YOHO Midtown 二手呎價亦徘徊於17,000 元至18,000 元之間,可見多項基建規劃對於元朗 ...全文
... HO系列(YOHO Town及YOHO Midtown除外)及PARK YOHO系列,或屬系列項目(包括YOH ...全文
元朗YOHO Town 8座中層C室,2房間隔,向東北,望同系2期會所泳池,實用面積461方呎,以838萬元成 ...全文
新地(00016)旗下元朗大型項目The YOHO Hub開售在即,附近的YOHO系列YOHO Town錄得一 ...全文