
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 ...150

Facebook facing probes over users' data

... forcement actions arising from the investigation will be pursued vigorously,” Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham said. The New York Times and London’s Observer reported on Saturday that private ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-19


美國總統特朗普近日簽署《與台灣交往法案》(Taiwan Travel Act又稱《台灣旅行法》),允許美台所有 ...全文



... an Travel Act)即使沒有總統簽字,亦會在當地時間16日自動生效。美國之音引述專家分析報道,特朗普可 ...全文


How to avoid bad selfies

... drunk you actually are… Whichever app you use, Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram, or Tinder, double chins are something that is an irrevocable fact of life. Either you go hole yourself up in a b ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-15

HK eyes legislation to extradite murder suspect to Taiwan

... olice are actively investigating the case as well as trying hard to handle the situation under the existing legal framework. Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, chairperson of New People's Party and a former secur ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-15

Britain expels 23 Russian diplomats over nerve attack on ex-spy

... ile state activity and a downgrading of Britain's attendance at the soccer World Cup in Russia this summer. Russia, denying any involvement in the attack on Skripal and his daughter, vowed to swiftly ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-15

Trump seeking tariffs on up to US$60 bln Chinese goods: report

...  US Trade Act begun in August last year, could come “in the very near future”. While the tariffs would be chiefly targeted at information technology, consumer electronics and telecoms, they could be m ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-14


... Liberties Act of 1988),承認美國二戰時把日本人送往集中營的決定是「根本上的不公義」,代表 ...全文



...  Firearms Act) 將武器分為兩級,其中機關槍、短管步槍及霰彈槍、滅聲槍械、炸彈及毒氣,以及除霰彈槍 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 美國死結2018年03月10日

What is it like to be 'made mentally-ill' in mainland China?

In mainland China, the term “to be made mentally-ill” has become a popular phrase among netizens. It actually refers to the notorious act of some government departments to forcibly send people into me ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-09

World steel markets unfazed by US tariff move

...  a big impact on prices,” said Roberto Cola, vice president of the ASEAN Iron and Steel Council (AISC), which represents steelmakers in Southeast Asia. “It’s not the commodity, it’s the act of unilate ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-09

科恩出師不利 重臣驟變棄將

... odd-Frank Act)銀行監管規定的方案。儘管特朗普態度狂妄,而且經常口不擇言,企業和金融界在華盛頓的主 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年03月09日

KMB suspends decision to sack four drivers who joined strike

... ciplinary action against four drivers who left their posts last month without permission, saying that their walkout not only violated company rules but also constituted a threat to the bus passengers' ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-07


美國國會已將《與台灣交往法案》(Taiwan Travel Act)送到白宮,讓美國總統特朗普簽署,按照美國國 ...全文


Time to reflect on our wasteful consumer culture

... d more proactive and eager than before when it comes to promoting waste recovery and recycling. For example, last year, the FEHD, for the first time, established waste recycling and recovery points in ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-05


... upporting act填補空檔,觀眾又會覺得不值。最聰明的方法,就是像這個演奏會,每一位樂手都出色:鼓手L ...全文


Towards a more transparent private healthcare system

Hong Kong’s healthcare system has long been acknowledged for the professionalism of its practitioners, high-quality services, structured governance, and sound regulatory regime. Much of this regulatio ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-02

與台灣交往法案 美參院全票通過

備受大陸反對的《與台灣交往法案》(Taiwan Travel Act)前日在美國參議院全票通過,將發送至白宮交 ...全文


聚焦盈利增長 布局潛力板塊

... al Choice Act),一旦法案於參議院通過,將有望降低金融股營運成本。 行業基金平均回報佳 布局焦點板 ...全文


China's first solar super expressway to open by 2022: reports

... sway will act as an alternative passage to the current Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway. In December last year, China's first solar expressway, a one-kilometer long facility, was opened for testing in Jinan ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-01

頁數:1...107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 ...150

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