... 署代表巡視完,就收到WhatsApp話『棟大廈冧咗』」,他與管理層都要忙於向同袍澄清,其後他決定親自與其他指揮 ...全文
... 情況可能比上堂分心用WhatsApp或Facebook還要差。學生們可能為了遊戲,無所不用其極。故此,寄語各家 ...全文
... Soon our WhatsApp group was flooded with requests for marinated goose slices (滷水鵝片), marinated cuttlefish and red sausage slices (墨魚紅腸), marinated pork intestines (滷水大腸), stir-fried mini clams (蜆仔肉), ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-05
... 午,收到一位好朋友的WhatsApp,相約了幾位好友與我一起吃晚飯。我沒有購買人壽保險,跟那位保險經紀只見過一 ...全文
... 戶人數逾10億的產品WhatsApp,fb則仍未發掘其盈利。 朱克伯格向分析員重申其發展藍圖,即未來3年專注擴 ...全文
訪問之後不久Pokémon Go熱潮席捲香港,街頭巷尾也有人捉精靈,記者好奇WhatsApp問他:「你有捉精靈 ...全文
... Sonboly)用WhatsApp聯絡及外出見面,當局懷疑他是同謀。 聯邦內政部表示,德國遇襲風險會長時間維 ...全文
... 使用布雷維克的照片為WhatsApp頭像。此外,有跡象顯示松博利曾因抑鬱症而要接受治療。至於松博利的親人過度受 ...全文
... 可以無遠弗屆,一通的WhatsApp到群組中就可以有無數人受惠。日新月異的資訊,世界各地的珍聞,博古通今的知識 ...全文
繼即時通訊軟件WhatsApp後,Facebook(fb)旗下另一同類產品Messenger的用戶人數亦已突破 ...全文
... said in a WhatsApp post that the tablets and MOKO USB chargers are not up to standard, according to Apple Daily. Another complained that his tablet computer conked out after just two days. MOKO USB ch ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-20
... 布與剪布的拉鋸,近年WhatsApp通訊的運用,令各派議員的鬥爭更為緊湊,好看過電視劇。 曾主席坐在最高的主席 ...全文
... ch bigger WhatsApp and WeChat. Line is the number one mobile messaging platform in Japan, Thailand and Taiwan. However, its 218 million monthly active users is still far behind WhatsApp’s 1 billion an ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-19