
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 ...150

Marshall Islands to issue own sovereign cryptocurrency

... ed to attract significant investment. Paul said the SOV will be issued to the public through an initial coin offering, a financing strategy that has become popular among startups looking to raise fund ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-01

美國監管機構 傳研修訂《伏爾克法規》細節

... odd-Frank Act)的一部分,其目的是為了防止美國金融巨擘因過度投資高風險產品,以致再度出現財政困難。 ...全文


Will Huawei become the global market leader in 5G era?

... logy. In fact, it is already conducting pre-commercial trials with 30 mobile players. The announcement came after Reuters reported last week that Sweden’s Ericsson has secured 38 MoUs while Finland’s ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-28


... an Travel Act),允許、鼓勵雙方高級官員(包括總統及部門首長)互訪,意味一九七九年限制美台高官互訪 ...全文


How Nokia sparked more buzz than Samsung in new launch

... maker attracted a lot of media coverage, but the Korean firm got overshadowed by another phone brand when it came to sparking online buzz in the past three days.  In case you are wondering, it is Noki ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-27

The China threat: Theory or reality?

... tinues to act in an assertive manner, including attempts at changing the status quo by coercion based on its own assertions incompatible with the existing international order." The official state news ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-26

Why are Chinese becoming increasingly unwelcome in Pakistan?

... as to attract more countries to join the Belt and Road program. However, recently the Chinese embassy in Islamabad issued a rare warning of possible terrorist attacks against Chinese official organiza ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-26


... odd-Frank Act)、伏爾克法則(Volker rule)等的可能修改,亦可望進一步鬆綁金融業的監管, ...全文



... odd-Frank Act)、伏爾克法則(Volker rule)等的可能修改,亦可望進一步鬆綁金融業的監管, ...全文


Time for Carrie Lam to walk the walk on animal welfare

... nner? In fact, the issue of animal rights had not been discussed in the Legislative Council until last year, when I moved a motion urging law enforcement to set up the “animal police” and the governme ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-15

How govt can better respond to flu outbreaks in schools

...  several factors such as the lack of professional medical knowledge among school management about the pros and cons of the various vaccination plans available on the market and the massive paperwork t ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-14

Trump mulls tariffs, quotas on foreign steel, aluminum

... take some action to protect the domestic steel and aluminum industry. "What we’re talking about is tariffs and/or quotas," Trump told the group, according to Reuters. "Part of the options would be tar ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-14

Uber慘勝一仗 CEO下戰考真章

... Corrupt Practices Act)受到美國當局調查,一經裁定違規必遭重罰。有別於Alphabet,美 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年02月14日

美增軍費開支 GD併購有據可依

... t Control Act),當局需要在2013年至2021年共削減支出1.2萬億美元,當中國防類及非國防類各 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年02月14日

Doing business in China: Politics is still in command

... emember exactly where and when the words were spoken. So popular are sayings that America’s Chinese restaurants serve “fortune cookies” with Oriental wisdom printed on a tiny slip of paper hidden insi ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-12

歐美銀行股受惠加息 勢跑贏內銀

... odd-Frank Act)等監管政策,只是在執行上會考慮降低金融業成本,加上過去10年歐美銀行業的資本充足水 ...全文


華批日借賑災 製造一中一台

... an Travel Act)。耿爽強調,有關議案的條款儘管沒有法律約束力,卻嚴重違反「一個中國」原則和中美三個 ...全文


Our dishes are way too salty

... stry take action but all Hong Kong people should change their eating habits. High blood pressure increases the risk of death from stroke and heart disease. Consuming more salt increases blood pressure ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-09

Wanda Sports: Wander for wonders

... fe-saving act described by many as "martyr cutting his arm". In July 2017, Wanda found a lifeline in Sunac and later Guangzhou R&F, both Hong Kong-listed property developers. Altogether, the deals ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-09

頁數:1...108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 ...150

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