YouTube announced a partnership with Ticketmaster that will allow viewers to purchase tickets for concerts on music videos, TechCrunch reports. Ticketmaster has worked with the video platform to add U ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-16
Alphabet Inc.’s Google in the last few months has begun removing from YouTube extremist videos to include even those that do not depict violence or preach hate, a major policy shift as social media co ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-14
... Price Tag,YouTube上的MTV有超過五億個點擊。一般財經文章,有一萬幾千觀眾已犀飛利。億億聲足以 ...全文
... 第二及第三位的分別是YouTube和Twitter,使用fb接收資訊的用戶中,逾半受訪者不會再參考其他網站,只 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年11月07日
... r戶口及1100多條YouTube視頻與單一親俄機構有關,傳播了超過8萬條影響選舉的訊息,以及經多達1.26億 ...全文
... 香港教會看美國總會的YouTube講道影片,即各地分會都用同一份講義。另外,布置和敬拜就似是將整間教會從美國搬 ...全文
... ,在Google旗下YouTube的18個頻道上載逾1000條影片;Twitter披露2752個賬戶涉嫌與俄國 ...全文
... views on YouTube. The video in question is but a simple recording of her rendition of the Paul Anka classic Diana, which she sang at an outdoor event organized by Heung Yee Kuk in Ta Kwu Ling, a rura ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-30
... 誠的成年人。在現今的YouTube及虛擬現實(VR)世代,子女已能從K6教育發掘出500種工種或熱中的事物。學 ...全文
今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2017年10月26日
... ants onto YouTube under pseudonyms. Apart from that, he was attending public events held by the Franco Foundation in person on a regular basis. Even though the Franco Foundation was initially intended ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-25