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... 可以是愈來愈多人用的Apple Pay。 Apple Pay增速或追上iPhone 手機支付愈來愈普及。過往去 ...全文


Apple turning to services for growth

Apple has once again proven its superiority in the technology business by delivering double-digit growth in revenue and earnings for its third fiscal quarter ended June 30. The pricey iPhone X was th ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-02

Britons' mobile phone calls drop amid social media boom

...  off when Apple launched its first iPhone in 2007, have become essential to people’s lives, it said, with 78 percent of adults now owning one. “Over the last decade, people’s lives have been transform ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-02


... 8年第二季超越蘋果(Apple)成為全球市佔率第二高的品牌,其市佔率達15.8%,僅次於三星(Samsung) ...全文


蘋果首穿200 市值撲萬億美元
收入七季連升 純利飆32%勝預期

... App Store、Apple Music和Apple Pay等。 庫克指出,可穿戴式產品是其中一個亮點,收入 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年08月02日

鸚鵡樂聚 快樂頌饌

... ed Golden Apple Cheese Cake」焦糖金蘋果芝士蛋糕為傳統口味的現代詮釋版本,充滿牛油香 ...全文



... 不會受關稅所影響,但Apple Watch等智能手錶或會受影響,有可能需要加價。 ...全文


Huawei overtakes Apple as world No. 2 smartphone seller

China’s Huawei Technologies overtook Apple Inc. to become the world’s second-biggest smartphone seller in the three months to June as it gained ground in Europe and expanded its lead back home, Reuter ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-01

Tseung Kwan O nano flat costs more to rent than a Peak unit

...  That, as Apple Daily noted, was higher than what some units at Mount Nicholson in the upscale Peak area were fetching in terms of rental per square foot. Living in Tsueng Kwan O has some drawbacks (e ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-01

Apple June quarter revenue, profit top estimates

Apple Inc reported on Tuesday revenue of US$53.3 billion for its fiscal third quarter, topping market forecasts, on robust sales of iPhone X and higher income from App Store, Apple Music and iCloud se ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-01

蘋果CFO:高端iPhone銷售佳 助推業績

... tri披露,保養服務Apple Care上季收益按年升27%,同樣推動上述服務收益增長。 至於中美貿易爭議,暫 ...全文


「地鐵宋」字型設計大師 慨嘆香港美感教育不足

... 鐵宋」開始,到第一代Apple電腦的專用字體「儷宋體」和「儷黑體」,及至後來的「華康瘦金體」、「華康超黑體」等 ...全文


CEO涉性騷擾 CBS難逃拍賣

... n、Charter或Apple等巨頭對CBS及其節目內容虎視眈眈,願意高價收購。市場憂慮穆恩維斯必須離職,加上 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年08月01日

Samsung profit growth slows as Galaxy S9 misses sales targets

...  broadly. Apple is expected to report a rise in revenue and profit for the third quarter on Tuesday, helped by resilient sales of its iPhones. China’s Huawei Technologies, the world’s third-largest sm ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-31


... 科技股包括蘋果公司。Apple管理層之前預測上季收入介乎515億至535億美元,而分析員平均預測為523億美元 ...全文


Apple Watch等產品美勢加價
蘋果明公布業績 市場關注貿戰影響

... 在影響,尤其智能手錶Apple Watch等多項產品可能會受關稅影響,蘋果有機會要提高在美國的售價。另外,分析 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年07月31日

午間新聞精選:騰訊沽壓重 港股跌200點

... 會進一步下跌。 4.Apple Watch在美或加價 應對關稅衝擊 蘋果公司據報可能被迫提高旗下Apple W ...全文


Apple Watch在美或加價 應對關稅衝擊

中美貿易戰未有平息跡象,蘋果公司(Apple)旗下增長最快的部門可能將受衝擊。 英國《金融時報》報道,蘋果將被 ...全文


中銀:騰訊今年新低 留意貼價購11301 /高槓桿購17092

... 科技股包括蘋果公司。Apple管理層之前預測上季收入介乎515億至535億美元,而分析員平均預測為523億美元 ...全文


Honor, Huawei's mid-range brand, steps up overseas push

... head with Apple and Samsung in the future.” In 2017, Honor outlined a target to be among the world’s top five smartphone brands by the end of 2020. The brand has staked out market share gains in Europ ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-30

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