在二十一世紀,加州人尋求獨立的途徑,自然不會訴諸武力。美國最高法院在1869年的「得克薩斯w訴懷特案」(Tex ...全文
A 58-year-old man plunged to his death Wednesday morning from his home in a high-rise building in Diamond Hill while his 56-year-old wife was found dead in her bed. The man, surnamed Au, might have ki ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-16
These are dark days for Hong Kong. Its freedom index ha ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2017年02月15日
輪動何時了,落後何處尋?相信是目前入市的投資者較關心的問題。一般而言,輪動市下爭取回報知易實難,追捧落後板塊與 ...全文
A 15-year-old secondary student plunged to his death on Sunday in Ma On Shan, the third such case in eight days. The boy is believed to have jumped off the roof of Kam Pong House in Kam Tai Court arou ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-13
本欄首次於雞年與讀者見面,先祝大家投資得心應手,身體健康。於剛過去的猴年,恒生指數有頗為不俗的升幅,但升市相對 ...全文
中共中央和國務院剛下達一號文件,題為〈中共中央國務院關於深入推進農業供給側結構性改革加快培育農業農村發展新動能 ...全文
Carrie Lam’s electioneering appears to have degenerated into a farce of common sense-defying gaffes. First, the former No. 2 official fumbled as she took on the formidable challenge of using an Octopu ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-08
周一港股氣勢如虹,一眾中資保險動輒上漲7%、8%,市場傳言和養老金即將入市有關。內險股是恒指重要組成部分之一, ...全文
Calls for a review of the education system are growing after the back-to-back suicides of two young students soon after the Lunar New Year holidays. The victims were a 13-year-old girl and a 16-year-o ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-07
隨着農曆新年氣氛逐漸淡化,投資市場交投邁向正常化。在2月份,一方面要關注美國總統特朗普的百日維新所推行的政經新 ...全文
上周五,筆者接受彭博電視專訪,探討內地資本市場的新趨勢。農曆新年期間,內地投資者對A股行情尚算樂觀。不過,上周 ...全文