
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 ...150

The IMF needs to mitigate climate transition risk

...  fuels in one of these major economies could strand not only physical assets (like oil rigs) but also workers and communities. Many other countries around the world could then face fiscal and financia ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-13


... 」(Channel One)新聞直播時闖進主播台,持標語抗議俄軍入侵烏克蘭,一度遭當局拘禁訊問。 國際傳真社報 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年04月13日

多個貨尾盤趁市旺 3招吸客

... 的同系MONACO ONE。他透露,MONACO ONE累售488伙,平均成交呎價25100元,而MONACO ...全文


Reforming Hong Kong for the better: Economics and finance

... aforementioned hardships, there remains much ground for Hong Kong to be confident in its software and hardware, and much room in its potentially utilising these advantages to further its key competiti ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-12

The failure of Russia’s media elite

...  what can one do? The Russian intellectual classes’ condescending attitude toward viewers of state TV and readers of tabloid newspapers is not new. When I was on the board of directors of the popular ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-12

Foreign businesses in China count rising cost of the pandemic

... on. “Everyone is stunned that this happened in Shanghai,” said Joerg Wuttke, president of the European Union Chamber in China. “It is not the middle of Hunan, it is Shanghai.” The city is a hub for fo ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-11

One Way Ticket

... 九十分鐘的《單程》(One Way Ticket),卻有旁觀者的冷靜,更難得的是捕捉了珍貴情景神髓。 編導有本 ...全文



... 微軟上一代Xbox One大敗於Sony的 Playstation 4,任天堂的Wii U更靜悄悄地一早停產, ...全文


Netflix內外交困 強敵步步進逼

... 用,就可以透過iPhone與iPad,憑藉各種手勢與不存在的物體在眼前互動。 至於Meta Plaforms, ...全文



... 考同系MONACO ONE。MONACO ONE去年11月推出首批99伙,折實平均呎價23365元;他透露,M ...全文



Y-LOT Foundation(晴朗的心基金會)今日成功舉辦「One SciTech One Future系 ...全文


Where to focus as the bill for pandemic stimulus comes due

There are few immutable economic laws, but to my mind there’s at least one: Nothing is free. Everything has a price, even though the cost might not be clear at the time of purchase. Such was the case ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-08

How to attract investors in the Greater Bay Area

... vestable money may more than double over the next decade – which presents an extraordinary opportunity for private banks and wealth managers. Striking the balance between digital offerings and traditi ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-08

Shock therapy for neoliberals

The fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has reminded us of the unforeseeable disruptions constantly confronting the global economy. We have been taught this lesson many times. No one could have ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-08

The contradictions of compassion

...  is as if one cannot expect Congolese or Ugandans to have the same understanding of human rights that white people do, but that Israelis, who are more like Europeans, should know better. Sharing a com ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-08

頁數:1...115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 ...150

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