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... 地(00012)粉嶺One Innovale第1期Archway及第3期Cabanna的成功重售比例同為100 ...全文


Choosing Lai Ching-te, Taiwan electors reject Beijing

... tus quo. None accepts the “one country, two systems” offer put forward by Beijing as the only formula for unification. Last Friday Ko said: “Taiwan has its own government, army and financial system. T ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-16

Do we have a right to love?

... ing from loneliness are all acute social problems meriting intervention from the state and attention from the public at large. There aren’t enough companions, there aren’t enough friends, and there de ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-16

Winning over hearts requires subtlety, tact and shrewdness

... cs, let alone its more Manichean variant – realpolitik. On the subject of winning over hearts and minds, which I have previously written rather extensively – it is worth remembering that the ultimate ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-15

內地專才1181萬購ONE SOHO兩單位

信置(00083)牽頭發展的旺角ONE SOHO,今日吸引內地專才購入兩伙,成交價合共1181.72萬元。 售 ...全文


ONE SOHO一房614萬沽

信置(00083)牽頭發展的旺角ONE SOHO,今日售出1個單位,為11樓B7室,實用面積320方呎,1房間 ...全文


National Ballet of China’s Red Detachment

... , this is one of the Eight Model Operas created during the Cultural Revolution. (Shanghai Ballet’s “The White-Haired Girl” is another one.) Though it looks slightly dated, it is still fascinating as a ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-11

Rank dishonour

... ndered to one’s countrymen and women. One could write doctoral theses on the subject of whether it is consistent with the concept of an honours system to elevate in rank successful pop stars, sports p ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-11


... 元。 另外,同系旺角ONE SOHO亦售出一個特色單位,為29樓B6室,實用面積299方呎,1房間隔,連113 ...全文


Hong Kong needs to de-emphasize national security

... ave been done to lower the political temperature. It goes without saying that publicity about national security cases does not attract foreign investors. It makes sense, therefore, for Hong Kong to em ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-10

日推多項對策 防撞機重演

... 順位的number one(第一)等用語,並新增負責人專門監控是否有航機在未獲許可下誤入跑道,同時提高跑道前停 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年01月10日

ONE SOHO沽出4伙 套現逾2600萬

信置(00083)牽頭發展的旺角ONE SOHO周二沽出4伙,套現逾2600萬元,全屬一房間隔。 其中成交價最 ...全文


The Fed’s remarkable feat

Monetary-policy watchers are currently divided into two groups. But perhaps both sides should pause and reflect on where we were 18 months ago and where we are now. On one side of the divide are those ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-09


...  God)和The One Who Spoke組織標誌的訊息,指摘真主黨要為將黎巴嫩拖入戰爭負責,稱貝魯特機場 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年01月09日

2024 U.S. election most important since 1860

... us as the one in 1860. At stake is not only whether the Democratic or Republican candidate wins but whether the country’s 235-year-old system of government will survive. The 55 delegates who wrote the ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-08

【國際早班車】巴爾金:美就業數據強勁 儲局抗通脹屬首要任務

... 83)牽頭發展的旺角ONE SOHO加推第7號價單,涉33伙,下周二發售,折實呎價18744元至23897元。 ...全文



... 角道128號豪宅項目ONE STANLEY,因已取得滿意紙而撤回預售樓花同意書申請,涉及82伙。 全港累積待批 ...全文


ONE SOHO加推33伙 呎價2.07萬

由信置(00083)牽頭發展,坐落旺角的ONE SOHO,周五(5日)加推33伙,折實平均呎價20784元,較 ...全文


ONE SOHO加推33伙 下周二發售

信置(00083)牽頭發展的旺角ONE SOHO加推第7號價單,涉及33伙,並上載全新銷售安排,該批單位將悉數 ...全文


How to fix America’s broken air-traffic control system

... ll, let alone keep up with the long-term growth in air travel. Given that it takes three years to train new air-traffic controllers, the FAA needs urgently to boost trainee numbers to achieve normal s ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-05

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