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... 兩日的「早鳥促銷」,Target也展開「黑色星期五」每周優惠。其他原因還有通脹導致消費者用於非必需品的預算減少 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2022年10月11日

The stagflationary debt crisis is here

... for above-target inflation. Any portfolio of risky equities and less risky fixed-income bonds will lose money, owing to higher inflation and inflation expectations. How do these predictions stack up? ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-07

Putin won’t go nuclear, but wants the world to think he’ll

... htforward target that Russia could strike – and that would yield the vast benefits needed in order to justify the deployment of nukes. Russia could opt to strike a major Ukrainian city, yet in so doin ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-07

The populist climate threat

... ° Celsius target in reach; by slowing effective action, the tactics of today’s populists are becoming an existential threat. This trend is reversible, but it is tenacious. Following former US Presiden ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-05

Pound foolishness

... oward the target rate, the scene is already set for a big reversal. The pound’s fair value against the dollar is probably around $1.40-1.45. But it is likely to weaken further until the forces (on bot ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-30

The challenge of monetary tightening

...  of below-target inflation and even deflation, rising energy and food prices drove up core consumer inflation to 2.8% in August – the fastest annual increase in eight years. But if one excludes fresh ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-29

Metaverse is a 3D map

... orefront, target high potential communities, choose better locations, just the same as in the real world. Although the metaverse is still in its infancy stage, there is a 3D city modelling software wh ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-26


...  goals on target)是第一項,這是在考慮射門的角度和射門是否命中龍門後,再加上歷年球賽大數據計算 ...全文


Target擬聘10萬臨時工 應對黃金銷售檔期

美國折扣連鎖店集團Target今年計劃聘用10萬名假期臨時工,以應付零售業旺季的人手需要;同時,亦會較慣常時間 ...全文



... 利潤壓力。大型零售商Target 6月警告該公司需要取消供應商訂單及提供更多商品折扣來出清滯銷商品,利潤將下滑 ...全文


聯邦快遞發盈警 歸咎經濟速轉壞

... 型零售商包括沃爾瑪及Target早前展望消費需求轉弱,減少訂貨。 其他美國大企業近日也紛紛唱淡前景,美國鋁業、 ...全文


Investing in Africa’s health

... ndraising target of $18 billion over the next three years. The Fund’s Replenishment Conference this month will bring together representatives from donor countries, the private sector, and civil-societ ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-16


... 讚一讚美國大型百貨店Target行政總裁Brian Cornell。前一兩年,公司業績好到加零一,Cornel ...全文


Why the Fed should wait and see

... the Fed’s target level. But these arguments are based on the standard Phillips curve models, and the fact is that inflation has parted ways with the Phillips curve (which assumes a straightforward inv ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-13

A faster route to greener shipping

... emissions target set by the 2015 Paris climate agreement. The US, the United Kingdom, and 12 other countries raised this issue at last year’s UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, bringing ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-06

US equities: Fundamentals remain soft, don’t chase cyclicals

Some data points over recent weeks fuelled hopes that the US economy could be stabilizing with inflation gradually converging towards the Fed’s target – a goldilocks scenario for equities. We would ca ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-31

Bond market: Rising like a phoenix from the ashes?

... er to its target once and for all. In this effort, it has waged an incredible battle against global tide of rising interest rates to maintain its +/- 25 basis point trading range on the 10-year Japane ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-30

好淡因素交織 歐股早段個別走

美國聯儲局官員認為可能適宜在某個時候放慢加息步伐,惟Target及Lowe’s等部分大型零售商業績疲弱,在好淡 ...全文


開市焦點:騰訊ADR升逾3% 吉利銀娛放榜

... 續有沽壓;加上零售商Target上季盈利急跌九成,同店銷售增幅亦較預期少,引發零售股被沽售,不利美股表現。不過 ...全文


【國際早班車】挪威主權基金半年蝕1.35萬億 歷來最差

... ,波音挫2.84%。Target第二季盈利按年跌90%遜預期,收入260.4億美元符估計,股價挫2.6%。 外 ...全文


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