Uber、Airbnb等共享經濟應用程式近年迅速冒起,在全球多地都跟政府和業內對手就規管問題激烈爭拗。彭博昨天 ...全文
... 打擊電召的士手機軟件Uber,反而經常檢控的士司機,令行業經營困難,要求當局擱置計劃。 周國強稱,的士業近年已 ...全文
上個周末,下了整天的雨,而心情一度好頹。光是等車也等了差不多45分鐘,突然手機Uber程式顯示有一輛只隔3分鐘 ...全文
... apps like Uber and DiDi, whose services they can rate after each ride. The customer ratings would directly affect the popularity and income of a driver. But will that be the same case with the drivers ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-17
Uber's Chinese rival Didi Chuxing Technology Co. is fast going up in the sharing economy with a valuation close to US$28 billion after it raised US$4.5 billion in a round of funding. That puts the rid ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-16
召車軟件Uber(優步)首次透過槓桿貸款市場融資,集資最多20億美元(156億港元)。《華爾街日報》報道,Ub ...全文
... ,但對召車軟件優步(Uber)來說卻是另一番光景,該公司早前獲沙地阿拉伯注資35億美元後意猶未盡,現正計劃發債 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年06月16日
... tsApp和打車軟件Uber(優步)等。 蘋果亦宣布,Siri和Map地圖應用程式(App)將向第三方程式開發 ...全文
Apple announced Monday that it will be opening its Siri digital assistant to outside developers, a move that will allow users to activate apps such as Uber and Skype with voice commands At its Worldwi ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-14
... 餐廳,我們研究推出如Uber共享概念的流動廚房,租用一些晚上不開業的中菜餐館或辦公室廚房煮食。」 Will認為 ...全文
打車軟件Uber因聘用非專業司機,不當提供的士服務,周四被法國法院判罰80萬歐羅(約700萬港元)。 案中兩名 ...全文