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... 緩短缺情況,尤其是「劏房式」小型單位,更可能反過來供過於求。 QE收兵 內地經濟放緩 其次,美國QE鳴金收兵, ...全文


How the HK govt is solving the tong fong problem – on paper

Subdivided flats, or tong fong (劏房) in local parlance, are a disgrace to Hong Kong. We call our city a global metropolis, and yet we allow those cramped and dilapidated units to be used as living quar ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-12

Cheap rental homes: All is not lost yet

... ong fong (劏房), or sub-divided flat, in districts like Sai Wan and North Point will cost up to HK$6,000 per month. So, what is the solution for those with limited budgets? Well, our advice is: keep cal ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-16

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