兩周前離港曾作出休假必跌的戲言再成真,上周談及投資宜重視值博率,結果美國總統大選結果出人意表下,引發恒指先升破 ...全文
A woman who jumped into the sea from a New World First ferry in a suicide attempt was saved by the crew. The 46-year-old woman, surnamed Chiu, boarded the ferry at around 9 a.m. Sunday morning in Cent ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-21
A 48-year-old domestic helper hanged herself in an Aberdeen flat where she lived with her employer. The victim was found hanging from a bunk bed in her room with a bed sheet tied around her neck, Appl ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-21
美國大選全球矚目,在香港也激起一時震盪,但數天後便見怪不怪。那這場選舉對香港又有何啟示?從身邊朋友的反應看,最 ...全文
內蒙古自治區正在香港招商,多位在當地有投資的港商應邀參加。招商年年有,今年確不同,港商紛紛感嘆相熟的舊面孔已買 ...全文
美國大選終於落幕,姑勿論如何,特朗普將成為美國第45任總統。在特朗普的新時代下,隨着(經濟)政策的新思維、新方 ...全文
11月16日,周三。美國大選講足一個禮拜,許多人聽到特朗普個名都驚。唔係驚佢個人,而係電視報紙由朝到晚疲勞轟炸 ...全文
筆者上周末到上海參加一年一度的「中國金融理財師年會2016」,參加人數達1500人,北京大學國家發展研究院教授 ...全文
Mexican jazz singer Magos Herrera is performing live in Hong Kong on Nov. 20 in support of the HeForShe campaign, a United Nations initiative to promote gender equality around the world. “Different co ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-15
India's Gujarat state, which is home to some of India's biggest industrial enterprises, aims to speed up its growth by attracting more foreign investment and providing fresh momentum to the economy. ...More
EJ Insight2016-11-15
美國大選結果出爐後,最受打擊的自然是希拉莉、民主黨、傳統精英們,同時還有各大民調和預測機構。在大選過程中,以「 ...全文
美國共和黨候選人特朗普登上總統寶座固然震驚全球,但更令人意外的是,市場對這個選前被視為「災難性」的結果反應正面 ...全文