
共 3000 個結果
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... ooth, reasonable, democratic unfreedom)」將會令人民變成「單面性個體」( ...全文


無名之後 腐朽之前

... t we pass on to future generations.)。 遺產與廢物的二元分界 挪威奧斯陸大 ...全文


WANG ON GROUP(01222) 月報表

WANG ON GROUP(01222) 截至二零二二年三月三十一日之股份發行人的證券變動月報表(127KB, ...全文


WING ON CO(00289) 月報表

WING ON CO(00289) 截至二零二二年三月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表(124KB, p ...全文


Russia is finished as a major energy power

Russia looms large in world energy markets. It supplies 40% of the gas consumed in the European Union, and this is a particularly important economic issue for Germany, Italy, and Austria. But Russia’s ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-01

New question surrounding cyber risk insurance: Insurable or not?

In previous years, the questions about cyber risk insurance were centred around ‘should we or shouldn’t we purchase’? Many boards and risk managers, not entirely sure of the value a cyber risk insuran ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-01

Is the new stagflation policy-proof?

The global economy has suffered two large negative supply-side shocks, first from the COVID-19 pandemic and now from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. The war has further disrupt ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-01

高盛:中資股仍便宜 籲次季續配置
3月洗倉式暴瀉 重演機會極低

...  is still on sale)」,建議投資者繼續投資中資股。他認為,中港股市在3月中已見底,現只等待更寬 ...全文


On the Slap

... t (slap?) on Chris Rock will go down in modern televisi ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年04月01日

China macro and market: 2022 outlook slightly better

The Chinese (offshore) equity market has suffered heavily over the past year, dropping by more than 30%, which is the sharpest 12-month decline since the global financial crisis. This, however, largel ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-31

On the slap

Chris Rock decided to go off-script with a joke at the Oscars 2022. And the rest, was – well – history. Will Smith’s physical assault (slap?) on Chris Rock will go down in modern television history as ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-31

COVID-19’s lessons for democracies

For more than two years, COVID-19 has taken lives, destroyed livelihoods, disrupted daily routines, and dominated political discussion around the world. As the acute phase of the pandemic comes to an ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-31

Fighting cybercrime across the world

... se in common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) or zero-day vulnerabilities being exploited for initial access when compared to Q3 2021. In the wake of high-profile vulnerability notifications, this ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-31

阿克曼改策略 不再大舉沽空

... 電影Betting on Zero;如今決定退出該策略是因為相信資本可以更好地部署在其他機會上,特別是考慮到機 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年03月31日

Masks shop on Russell Street

When would the pandemic that has dragged Hong Kong for more than two years end? Well, one possible sign we look for is the closure of mask shops in Causeway Bay, a district that has undergone drastic ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-30

Replace Russian oil and gas with renewables

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has shaken many long-held Western assumptions about the foundations of peace in Europe. Among other things, it has renewed policymakers’ focus on energy dependence as a ke ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-30

Putin’s war: Rational, irrational or boundedly rational?

The majority of political analysts and commentators, myself included, did not expect Putin would engage in an all-out invasion against Ukraine. The invasion seems too risky, in that the goal - the ful ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-30

Focus on long term MPF performance, not short-term volatility

Despite concerns about the recent volatility of the equity markets and its impact on MPF return, the long term performance of the MPF System has proved to be robust. The MPF System aims to provide bas ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-29

Time to talk peace terms with Russia

On March 7, Russia stated three aims for its invasion of Ukraine: official Ukrainian neutrality, recognition of Russian sovereignty over Crimea, and recognition of the independence of pro-Russian sepa ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-29


... 為基礎(Build on China Strength)、提升市場活力(Enhance Market Vibr ...全文


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