
共 1153 個結果
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監管機構不嚴懲 中概股造假難絕

... 洛克(Carson Block)接受本報訪問時指出,今次非刻意在美股大跌市中出手,雖無明言下一個狙擊目標,但強 ...全文


自揭誇大新業務收入 股價續瀉

... 創辦人Carson Block接受CNBC訪問,透露目前正沽空於美國納斯特掛牌的網上醫保交易平台eHealth ...全文


Pan-dems fail in bid to cut funding for police, CE office

... sought to block the package as part of the amount was for the police force, which they accused of abusing its power in dealing with protesters in last year's social unrest. The night before Wednesday’ ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-26

Huawei faces a tough battle amid global 5G rollout

... ons which block Huawei from using Google services and applications. According to Huawei, the incentive is split into two periods. During the first 12 months, developers can avail 100 percent of the re ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-11


... ayan Salt Block),屬完全天然,而且每塊都獨一無二。 喜馬拉雅山鹽板既是烹調工具,亦是天然調味料 ...全文


Dozens arrested during weekend protests in Tseung Kwan O, Tai Po

... sidential block in the nearby Kwong Ming Court estate at close to 1 am on Monday and detained dozens. On Sunday, clashes also erupted in Tai Po after hundreds of people staged an unauthorized march ar ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

17 arrested, explosives, devices seized in police raids

... sidential block of Yau Lai Estate, a public housing estate in Yau Tong, and inside Tsing Yi MTR Station, sources said. Police said they were looking for other suspects, thus more arrests are likely to ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

China loses battle for control of another UN specialized agency

... tners, to block the Chinese steamroller, which at times appears unstoppable. Last year, when Washington opposed China’s candidate for director-general of the Food and Agriculture Organization, the US ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

US to 'redouble' efforts for Taiwan's global participation: AIT

... fforts to block its access to the World Health Organization during the outbreak, something the US, Japan and some European countries have urged the UN health body to reconsider. Moriarty praised Taiwa ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-05

Protesters decry Aug 31 incident, virus clinic arrangements

...  evening, blocking roads, setting fires, vandalizing public facilities, hurling petrol bombs and attacking police officers with bricks and hard objects. Several police officers were injured as a resul ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-02

A pandemic of deglobalization?

... tended to block China’s rise. Conspiracy theories about the US Central Intelligence Agency creating the virus are already circulating. In a world flooded with disinformation, COVID-19 promises to brin ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-02


最近幾年,我都會在復活節前後放Block Leave去日本旅行,人在旅途時,偶爾會碰到一個半個當地人,在機緣巧 ...全文


Two more temple-linked cases bring Covid-19 infections to 93

...  lives in Block 4 of Bauhinia Garden in Tseung Kwan O developed coughing with sputum on Feb. 13, and consulted a private doctor on Feb. 13 and Feb. 23. After calling the CHP hotline on Wednesday, she ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-28

Coronavirus infections rise to 91 after three more temple cases

...  lives in Block B of Healthy Gardens in North Point. She has had coughs with sputum and sore throat since Feb. 18. A volunteer cleaner at the temple, the woman was admitted to the Pamela Youde Nethers ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-27

US appeals court rejects bid on YouTube censorship

... ting, and block third parties from advertising on the videos. Writing for the appeals court, however, Circuit Judge Margaret McKeown said YouTube was a private forum despite its “ubiquity” and public ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-27


... 布洛克(Keith Block)離職,由聯席行政總裁兼集團創辦人貝尼奧夫(Marc Benioff)出任行政總 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2020年02月27日

Covid-19 cases tied to North Point temple rise to nine

...  lives at Block 4 of Swiss Towers at 113 Tai Hang Road in Tai Hang. She started coughing on Feb. 12 and consulted a private doctor several times before she was admitted to the Hong Kong Sanatorium and ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-26

Salesforce上季盈轉虧 聯席CEO離職

... 行政總裁Keith Block離職,另一位聯席行政總裁兼集團創辦人Marc Benioff則留任,即時成為唯一 ...全文


More thoughts on decentralized finance

January 2009 marked the birth of Bitcoin as Satoshi mined the genesis block – and the eleven short years that followed are a story of innovation, studded with milestone technical breakthroughs. As we ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-24

Useless hardly covers it for the Lam administration

... ystems to block off a potent source of contamination. Each of these issues was addressed in reports following the outbreak of SARS 17 years ago. Almost two decades is quite time enough for stocks to h ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-21

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