
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 ...150

Liaison Office and the shifting of gravity to Sai Wan

... g any contact with the SAR authorities. “Should the chief executive need assistance from the Liaison Office, he would have to report the issue to the central authorities first … Beijing would then giv ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-01

Donald Tsang's conviction: The triumph of justice

... argely intact and functioning, even though it has continued to come under attack from Beijing since the handover. Both Tsang and Lew were given a fair trial, during which due process was fully observe ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-01

Marco Rubio and the HK Human Rights and Democracy Act

US Republican Senator Marco Rubio, his partymate Tom Cotton and Democratic Senator Ben Cardin have jointly reintroduced the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act” to Congress, a move that might pr ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-01

勝者為王 「主流」我創

... t get the act together at the end」。這位美國總統上任才剛剛一個月,感覺差不多 ...全文


A more accurate way for pan-democrats to gauge public opinion

... ction for acting against their will. I don't buy that notion. If the pan-democrats truly believe they must always act according to public opinion, then why didn't they root for Leung Chun-ying in the ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-28

Why Trump is likely to lose war against the 'fourth branch'

... . Trump's act immediately sparked a fierce backlash, even from among news agencies that were not banned. The Associated Press and Time magazine rallied behind the seven news organizations and proteste ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-28


... Democracy Act),旨在更新美國對港政策。草案在冗長繁瑣的國會會議安排中被擱置,香港議題也淡出美國視 ...全文


HK banks must learn to live with cross-border information rules

... ompliance Act – FATCA. It required foreign banks to share details about US clients. A few years later the OECD developed the Common Reporting Standard for the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-27

Why portraying the 7 convicted cops as martyrs is a bad idea

... such, any act to portray the seven cops involved in the assault case as martyrs or any effort to raise money as a compensation for them and their families would amount to an endorsement of their crimi ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-27

《美國-香港政策法》 United States-Hong Kong Policy Act

美國國會在1992年通過的關於美國對港政策的法案,允許美國長期把香港作為與中國大陸有別的「非主權政治實體」對待 ...全文



2008年金融危機爆發後,美國於2010年中推出金融改革《多德——弗蘭克法案》(Dodd-Frank Act) ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2017年02月25日


... way Labor Act,立案於20世紀,當時航空並未普及,故而得名),旨在定義在鐵路及航空巿場中,勞資雙方 ...全文



... Education Act之後,出現西方的全民學校系統,開宗明義以知識與技能作為基本要素,以考試成績把人類擇優 ...全文


Guangzhou ambulance staff under fire for demanding cash 'gifts'

... ibing his act as being akin to "looting a burning house". The story was first broken by Guangdong Radio and Television Station, which said the incident happened on Thursday last week. According to the ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-21

日本危困易生變 備戰避戰費思量

... Democracy Act),除了「外來勢力」,沒有人可從中受惠的!   ...全文


Verbal abuse against judges undermines judicial independence

After he had convicted seven police officers of assault on pro-democracy activist Ken Tsang last week, district court judge David Dufton immediately came under fire from pro-Beijing loyalists and beca ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-20

Labeling John Tsang as CY 3.0 won't wash

... gine the tactics will alter the public's perceptions of the two main candidates and lead to a spurt in support for Lam. Cheung's comments will, in fact, only serve to escalate the deep-rooted conflict ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-16

Kim Jong-un ordered brother killed, South Korea spy chief says

... alculated act of removing a threat to his rule.” This came as Malaysian police detained a female suspect in the killing. The woman was holding Vietnam travel papers, Reuters reports. Police also said  ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-16

監管狠角離場 銀行如獲大赦

華爾街最怕聽到的名字,並非提出金融改革法案(Dodd-Frank Act)的多德(Dodd)或者法蘭克(Fra ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年02月15日

弗林上任24天「閃辭」 短命國安顧問
被指隱瞞私通俄大使 彭斯不滿遭誤導

... 根法》(Logan Act)。 弗林後來向當時的候任副總統彭斯滙報該次通話時,明確否認談及制裁,因而彭斯往後公 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年02月15日

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