
共 2997 個結果
頁數:1...130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 ...150

Alphabet launches US campaign to promote driverless car safety

Alphabet Inc.’s self-driving car unit Waymo and several groups are launching a campaign aimed at convincing skeptical Americans of what they say is the value and safety of driverless cars, as Congress ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-10

Google to use balloons to provide Puerto Rico cell service

The US Federal Communications Commission said late on Friday it had approved Alphabet Inc.’s application to provide emergency cellular service to Puerto Rico through balloons, Reuters reports. In the ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-09


... 的總和,蘋果加谷歌(Alphabet)是14.4萬億美元,已超於美國五大銀行的11.4萬億很多,美國第五,但影 ...全文


Russian hackers stole US cyber secrets from NSA: WSJ

...  Inc. and Alphabet Inc.’s Google have been asked to testify about Russian meddling in the 2016 US election before a House of Representatives panel on Nov. 1, Reuters reported, citing a congressional a ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-06

Google launches new phones, speakers in hardware push

Alphabet Inc.’s Google has unveiled the second generation of its Pixel smartphone along with new voice-enabled home speakers, redoubling its commitment to the hardware business as it competes with a s ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-06

Facebook says 10 million US users saw Russia-linked ads

... r Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Google, on investigating alleged Russian election meddling, Schrage added. The 1,000 new workers represent the second time this year that Facebook has responded to a crisis by ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-03

Twitter suspends hundreds of Russia-linked accounts

... Facebook, Alphabet Inc.’s Google to testify at a public hearing on Nov. 1 about alleged Russian interference. The pressure on the companies reflects growing concern among lawmakers in both parties tha ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-29

iPhone X獲唱好 蘋果股價止跌

... x回升1%,亞馬遜及Alphabet股價亦告反彈。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年09月27日

朝局勢升溫 美股軟油價漲

... 更挫逾4%;亞馬遜及Alphabet的跌幅都逾1%。中概股阿里巴巴亦一度急跌近6%,中段跌4.7%。納指一開市 ...全文


Google護軟件業務 收購除笨有精

... gle經過重整,成為Alphabet的子公司,規模是2011年的4倍,這次收購花費少於摩托羅拉的十分之一。 不 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年09月25日

恒指如強弩之末 金融危機停不了

... 及Google母公司Alphabet所組成的指數FANG早已於7月24日見頂回落,儘管美國三大股指其後曾屢創新 ...全文


Google pays US$1.1 bln for HTC's Pixel division

Alphabet Inc.’s Google said it would pay US$1.1 billion for the division at Taiwan’s HTC Corp. that develops the US firm’s Pixel smartphones - its second major foray into phone hardware after an earli ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-22

彈藥充足 可利誘司機加盟鬥Uber

召車軟件市場混戰升級,消息指Google母公司Alphabet已洽談向Lyft投資約10億美元(約78億港元) ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年09月16日

How Vietnam learned to live without Chinese characters

... ietnamese alphabet in use today has a relatively short history: it was “invented” by European missionaries in the 19th century through the Romanization of Chinese characters and was then promoted by t ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-14


... ,Google母公司Alphabet旗下的Waymo與汽車租賃公司Avis合作,或將無人駕駛帶到汽車租賃市場; ...全文


France, other EU countries seek tax on tech giants' revenues

... w part of Alphabet Inc., was not liable to pay 1.1 billion euros (US$1.3 billion) in back taxes because it had no “permanent establishment” in France and ran its operations there from Ireland. -- Cont ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-11


... 、Google母公司Alphabet帶領全球人類思想行為。 美國政治三權分立,總統、國會及法院互相制衡。一個「 ...全文


Facebook takes on YouTube for video ad dollars

Facebook Inc. launched its Watch video service to US users on Thursday with plans to allow people to submit shows, as the No. 1 social media network vies with Alphabet Inc.’s YouTube for advertising r ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-01

Samsung secures self-driving car permit in California

... vision of Alphabet Inc, which supplies the Android operating system that runs on Samsung’s phones. Samsung has a range of other opportunities for growth in the self-driving car business. Earlier this ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-01

Google acts to comply with EU antitrust order

... a unit of Alphabet Inc., had earlier on Tuesday said it would meet the EU deadline to do so. Google was hit with a record 2.4 billion euro (US$2.9 billion) fine from the EU over the practice in June a ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-30

頁數:1...130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 ...150

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