... ,蘋果升4.75%,Netflix升幅達6.45%。 日股曾跌至6個月低位,當市場開始傳出中美正就貿易爭拗私下 ...全文
... 網速下載一齣兩小時的Netflix影片或YouTube影片,下載時間分別為1分38秒及4分40秒;5分鐘FLA ...全文
... 網速下載一齣兩小時的Netflix影片或YouTube影片,下載時間分別為1分38秒及4分40秒;5分鐘FLA ...全文
... 。至於亞馬遜、蘋果及Netflix等科技股則全面回升。 亞股在隔晚美股下跌後,周二個別發展,日經平均指數收跌0 ...全文
... 結合,就能產生足以與Netflix等匹敵的影音平台。AT&T把交易的協同效應估值為250億美元,重申此 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年03月21日
... 3%,Nvidia及Netflix亦分別下跌3.8%及1.56%。至於中概股方面,阿里巴巴及百度分別下跌2.8 ...全文
... 4%,蘋果、亞馬遜及Netflix齊齊跌超過2%。今次洩密醜聞可能令美歐政府乘勢全面監管社交平台,分析員說,朱 ...全文
... iQiyi, a Netflix-like video platform, plans to use about half of the proceeds to broaden and enhance its content offering while 10 percent will be earmarked to strengthen technology. The rest would g ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-19
... ices like Netflix and other providers of digital content which do not rely on users to create value will be excluded from the scope of the EU levy. The tax is presented in the draft as a temporary mea ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-16
... ,不過Amazon及Netflix則分別下跌0.55%及0.14%。中概股則普遍走強,受阿里巴巴指考慮回歸A股 ...全文
... 18%及0.79%,Netflix及Facebook亦分別上升1.79%及1.27%。 中概股方面,阿里巴巴上 ...全文
串流影視服務供應商Netflix有意進軍新聞業務,計劃與美國哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)合作開拍類似《60分鐘時 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年03月15日
... d as "the Netflix of magazines" due to its business model of offering unlimited access to a host of publications for a fixed monthly fee. Texture has quite a few competitors offering similar subscript ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-14
Apple is buying Texture, a digital magazine subscription service which gives readers access to magazines for a monthly subscription fee. Texture, dubbed as known as the "Netflix of magazine publishing ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-14
... 96%及0.64%,Netflix及Alphabet則月分別下跌1.69%及2.23%中概股亦全線下跌,阿里巴 ...全文
... 之一。 付月費任睇如Netflix Texture現由多家大型出版商財團以及美國私募股權基金KKR擁有,後者更 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年03月14日