
共 845 個結果
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安進癌藥未成功 爭飲頭湯對手湧

... 開關(master switch)之一,開啟後正常細胞變異成為癌細胞。在治癌領域,KRAS被視為難以逾越天塹, ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年09月12日

騰訊組新公司 疑與任天堂合作

... 在中國代理發售任天堂Switch主機,騰訊Nintendo Switch官方微博、微信公眾號於7月正式上線。 ...全文


China: The challenges of Hong Kong and Taiwan

... poised to switch sides and recognize China. The Chinese government has announced that it intends to “reunify” with Taiwan using the “one country, two systems” formula but its shabby treatment of Hong ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-09

Re-rating of consumer stocks is just unfolding

... t time to switch to these consumer stocks. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Sept 3 Translation by Julie Zhu with additional reporting [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at en ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-05

Beijing offers fund for Solomon Islands to break Taiwan ties

China is offering to bankroll a development fund for the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific if it switches diplomatic ties from Taiwan to Beijing, a parliamentary committee in the small island natio ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-05

Solomon Islands eyes shift in ties to China from Taiwan

The Solomon Islands, one of Taiwan’s few remaining diplomatic allies, has formed a team of ministers to talk to Beijing ahead of a possible switch in ties that could be unveiled as early as this week, ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-02

Huawei readies for connected device era with Harmony OS

...  "We will switch to Harmony system when we can't use Android," media reports quoted Richard Yu, the head of Huawei’s consumer business group, as saying at the Dongguan event. Huawei boasted that Harmo ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-13

China new-energy vehicle sales drop for 1st time in over 2 years

... ly is the switch of policies,” said Chen Shihua, assistant secretary general at the CAAM, referring to China’s move to cut NEV subsidies last month. CAAM has previously said it expects China auto sale ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-13

Making technology work for workers

... l need to switch occupational categories in order to meet the needs of a shifting labor market. Moreover, all workers will need to adapt – acquiring new knowledge and skills – as their jobs evolve alo ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-07

Mastercard to buy part of payments firm Nets for US$3.19 billion

... re people switch from cash to digital payments for online and high street sales, consulting firm McKinsey predicted. The deal will be dilutive for up to 24 months after the deal’s closing, which is ex ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-07

中銀:滙豐公布回購計劃 留意匯豐購20442/沽20443

... 的Nintendo Switch將延續現有設計。雙方亦表示會藉由騰訊雲服務建造適合中國境內使用的線上服務。任天 ...全文


瑞通:恒指急挫近700點見26200點水平 成交增 重磅股騰訊瀉3%

... 00700)將本地化Switch遊戲,並擬售任天堂周邊商品。不過在大市轉弱下,近日走強的騰訊在上周五急挫逾3. ...全文


Blackout hits Indonesian capital, parts of Java

... n able to switch 17 electrical substations around Jakarta back on by 9 p.m. but two others were still in the process of being restarted and four remained off. “The recovery process is still ongoing an ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-05


... 聯同任天堂公布內地版Switch詳情,但未有推出時間。騰訊Switch項目負責人錢賡表示,內地版Switch將 ...全文


日動漫軟實力 披靡網絡時代

... 17年推出的遊戲機 Switch在全球銷量更已超過3200萬部。如此種種,正好說明日本動漫及遊戲產業正處於前所 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野香睿剛2019年08月03日


... 預期的372億日圓。Switch遊戲機銷售仍然穩健,當季賣出213萬部,較去年同期增加13%。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2019年07月31日

Sprint, T-Mobile win US antitrust nod for US$26 bln merger

... sumers to switch easily between carriers, a Justice Department official said. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-29

瑞通:騰訊強勢升穿370元 即市資金撈本地地產股Call博反彈

... 台Nintendo Switch。消息帶動騰訊昨跑贏大市,盤中高見370元創逾兩個月高,收市仍升近2%,收於3 ...全文


Don't fear the scooter

... e were to switch from cars to scooters, their combined CO2 emissions would decline by 35 metric tons per day; if five million people did so, they would produce a mere 370 metric tons per day, or just ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-24

Snap's Android fix, gender-changing lens boost users

... let users switch their gender in photos. The latest daily active user figure, widely watched by investors and advertisers, beat analysts’ average estimate of 192.2 million, according to IBES data from ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-24

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