... m Chinese yellow wine "Nu Er Hong (daughter red)" and vintage yellow wine, while the other was cooked with Sichuan chili bean paste. The appetizer was amazingly crafted, dedicated to giving diners col ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-30
... signs and yellow umbrellas, about 20 members from several pro-democracy groups in Hong Kong, including the League of Social Democrats and Demosistō, marched to Beijing's Liaison Office in Sai Wan on T ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-28
... ts like a yellow umbrella, a symbol of the 2014 Occupy Central protests, will be asked to leave a security zone, Nelson Cheng Yiu-mo, Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations, said no one will be a ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-28
... 聽Coldplay的Yellow,喝一點小酒,燃點薰衣草的精油,看着窗邊從旺角買回的橘梗,買它是因為長得老實, ...全文
... s he is a yellow)」,料意指黃絲帶。張官聞言即打斷彭彼得,指他身為大律師言論不恰當。彭彼得其後 ...全文
... n fish", "yellow fish" or "red fish" to help consumers identify product safety. Green Fish means "excellence" in safety and consumers can rest assured that the products are safe for purchase. Yellow f ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-24
... s special-yellow eel with baked rice, which was really worth giving a thumbs up. The eel was delicious as it was cut into small pieces and sautéed until fragrant. The rice that came with it was jasmin ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-19
... e and the yellow ofo bikes are in a headlong rush to descend upon streets of lower-tier cities and even towns. In March alone, ofo wheeled out over a million new bikes, mainly in the suburbs of Beijin ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-17
... z, to the Yellow Sea in order to strengthen US military presence in the region and deter Pyongyang from firing another ballistic missile again. At one point, it appeared the standoff on the Korean Pen ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-15
... 一大盛事,承載了聽《Yellow》長大的一代人重拾青春的回憶。 雖然露天場地音響不怎麼樣,加上滂沱大雨,但整體 ...全文
... self in a yellow one-piece bathing suit on the social media site Snapchat with the caption "20 weeks". Williams, who will return to the No. 1 ranking in the world next week, deleted the photo shortly ...More
EJ Insight2017-04-20
... 上網。但諗諗吓又驚賣yellow cow犯法;所以都係打嚟問吓你先囉。」 我答:「根據《公眾娛樂場所條例》第6 ...全文
... h red and yellow floral centerpieces. Trump, a New York real estate magnate before he ran for office, joked before dinner: "We’ve had a long discussion already, and so far I have gotten nothing, absol ...More
EJ Insight2017-04-07
... 's sold a yellow 2007 F430 Spider for US$357,500 in 2016. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More
EJ Insight2017-04-03
... ker and a yellow banner suggested he was deeply involved in the street protests and what he did was an open defiance of the court order. The judge also slammed Cheng for showing no sign of remorse as ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-31
... gard the “yellow-ribbon” young people as enemies. As a matter of fact, Lam was anything but friendly to radical and localist young lawmakers during her term in office as chief secretary, and hence her ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-30
A giant yellow banner with the words "I want genuine universal suffrage" surfaced on Lion Rock mountain on Sunday morning, the day of the chief executive election. The banner was put up by the League ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-26
... long with yellow phlegm, they can brew a tea of either chrysanthemum, honeysuckle flower or peppermint. Smokers, people witnessing their last stage of cold or those who often cough are recommended a b ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-17