... gle經過重整,成為Alphabet的子公司,規模是2011年的4倍,這次收購花費少於摩托羅拉的十分之一。 不 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年09月25日
... 及Google母公司Alphabet所組成的指數FANG早已於7月24日見頂回落,儘管美國三大股指其後曾屢創新 ...全文
Alphabet Inc.’s Google said it would pay US$1.1 billion for the division at Taiwan’s HTC Corp. that develops the US firm’s Pixel smartphones - its second major foray into phone hardware after an earli ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-22
召車軟件市場混戰升級,消息指Google母公司Alphabet已洽談向Lyft投資約10億美元(約78億港元) ...全文
... ietnamese alphabet in use today has a relatively short history: it was “invented” by European missionaries in the 19th century through the Romanization of Chinese characters and was then promoted by t ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-14
... w part of Alphabet Inc., was not liable to pay 1.1 billion euros (US$1.3 billion) in back taxes because it had no “permanent establishment” in France and ran its operations there from Ireland. -- Cont ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-11
Facebook Inc. launched its Watch video service to US users on Thursday with plans to allow people to submit shows, as the No. 1 social media network vies with Alphabet Inc.’s YouTube for advertising r ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-01
... vision of Alphabet Inc, which supplies the Android operating system that runs on Samsung’s phones. Samsung has a range of other opportunities for growth in the self-driving car business. Earlier this ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-01
... a unit of Alphabet Inc., had earlier on Tuesday said it would meet the EU deadline to do so. Google was hit with a record 2.4 billion euro (US$2.9 billion) fine from the EU over the practice in June a ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-30
... 回公司形象,並處理與Alphabet自駕分支Waymo的訴訟。 儘管霍斯勞沙希知名度不高,他其實是2015年標 ...全文
... 及Google母公司Alphabet),美股相對歐股的估值差距幾乎盡數消失【圖】。 另外,投資應向前看,相對 ...全文
... x及Google母企Alphabet的FANG指數本月跌逾4%,由高位計則跌近一成【圖3】,連50天線也失守了 ...全文
... 和Google母公司Alphabet)將改變消費模式,顛覆實體行業;亞馬遜計劃在網上銷售處方藥,也令藥品批發公 ...全文
... 。計劃類似Uber及Alphabet旗下自駕車公司Waymo在特定地區進行的小型測試,服務只限員工,好處是很快 ...全文
... 、亞馬遜,谷歌母公司Alphabet等皆為指數的重磅成分股。近兩個多月,納指100四次震盪,最先一次是6月9日 ...全文
... 美國航空、谷歌母公司Alphabet的A類股等,但就大舉增持阿里巴巴的美國存託憑證(ADS),按季持倉大幅增加 ...全文