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雲端轉型 陰柔制勝

... 。 SAP也不絕望,Adobe進軍雲端業務,最初也吃了不少苦頭,但最新業績顯示銷售大幅回勇,過去3年的股價表現 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年07月24日

China hackers used Forbes website to attack blue-chip firms: FT

... run using Adobe software. iSight, which detected the intrusion on some of its clients’ networks, blamed a Chinese hacking group known as Codoso. The cyber-security firm believes the attack was state-b ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-11

Struggling Adobe shuts down China business

Hundreds of workers are facing unemployment after multinational computer software company Adobe decided to close its business in China, Caixin reported Wednesday. In a surprise move, the company said ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-24

Judge rejects US$324 mln deal over Apple, Google hiring

... Intel and Adobe are also part of the proposed deal. In their 2011 lawsuit, the tech employees said the conspiracy had limited their job mobility and kept a lid on salaries. The case was based largely ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-11

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