Adobe Systems warned that hackers are exploiting vulnerabilities in its Flash multimedia software platform in web browsers, and called on users to quickly patch their systems to prevent such attacks, ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-17
... 遭一眾科企巨擘離棄。Adobe終於宣布在2020年停止支援Flash,未來仍會與蘋果公司、Mozilla、微軟 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年07月27日
美國圖像軟件開發商Adobe在2011年,當市值達到100億美元時,應該退出公開市場,把自己賣給私募基金公司, ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年03月21日
... 的傳統逐漸式微。 據Adobe統計,感恩節及黑色星期五網購銷售總額達52.7億美元(約411億港元),按年升約 ...全文
研究機構Adobe Digital Index(ADI)公布,美國周四感恩節單日網購銷售額已突破10億美元(約 ...全文
... 首次在圖像軟件開發商Adobe和微軟的軟件,發現零日(zero day)漏洞,即是獨一無二、從未發現和非常危險 ...全文
... 可提供接近100% Adobe RGB全色域覆蓋,完美兼顧高清影像與逼真色彩,其PLS廣視角面板可視角度達至1 ...全文
... users at Adobe Systems, JPMorgan and Target and exposed them to subsequent cybercrimes. The latest discovery came after Hold Security researchers found a young Russian hacker bragging in an online fo ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-05
... 次吸納數隻股份,包括Adobe System、Aetna、Ecolab和Rockwell Collins。 基 ...全文
... ctions by Adobe. While Cyber Monday is expected to remain the biggest single day in terms of online revenue, Black Friday is expected to close the gap, with sales expected to rise 15 percent to US$2.7 ...More
EJ Insight2015-11-23
... run using Adobe software. iSight, which detected the intrusion on some of its clients’ networks, blamed a Chinese hacking group known as Codoso. The cyber-security firm believes the attack was state-b ...More
EJ Insight2015-02-11
Hundreds of workers are facing unemployment after multinational computer software company Adobe decided to close its business in China, Caixin reported Wednesday. In a surprise move, the company said ...More
EJ Insight2014-09-24
... Intel and Adobe are also part of the proposed deal. In their 2011 lawsuit, the tech employees said the conspiracy had limited their job mobility and kept a lid on salaries. The case was based largely ...More
EJ Insight2014-08-11