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美國電動車初創公司Proterra最近推出電動巴士Catalyst E2 Max,打破單座電動車Boozer的 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年09月21日

Autopilot limitations contributed to fatal Tesla crash: NTSB

"Operational limitations" in the Tesla Model S played a major role in a May 2016 crash that killed a driver using the vehicle's semi-autonomous Autopilot system, according to the US National Transport ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-13

Tesla讓人瘋狂 何時獲利挑戰大

儘管北韓發射導彈飛越日本上空,拖累周二美股低開,惟在美國總統特朗普以溫和言論回應後,市場憂慮有所紓緩,大市最終 ...全文



今年2月公布的《財政預算案》取消了電動私家車首次登記稅全數寬免,改為最多免去9.75萬元稅款,由4月1日起生效 ...全文



近期傳媒喜歡將股王騰訊(00700)股價與上市價作比較,回報率達幾百倍。如果要鬥近年回報率,則要提及今年3月, ...全文



在停車場內,車輛應該放置在停車位內;實際觀察卻發現,經常有私家車的部分車身泊在停車位外,有時更佔據部分行車道。 ...全文



電動車生產商Tesla公布最新一季業績,收入增長較市場預期高,虧損情況改善不少,受消息影響,當日股價應聲而上。 ...全文


Tesla lowers price of Model X, says margins improved

Tesla Inc. lowered the base price of its Model X SUV to US$79,500 and said improving margins were behind the move, which came as the automaker is ramping up production of its new lower-priced Model 3, ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-07


美國電動汽車製造商Tesla上周公布季度業績,被問到有多少人訂購了最新的Model 3轎車時,創辦人兼行政總裁 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年08月07日

上季燒錢破紀錄 Model 3交貨無問題

美國電動車生產商Tesla上季破紀錄「狂燒錢」,在收入大增下仍繼續錄得虧損,但由於「燒錢」及虧損金額均低於市場 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年08月04日

Model 3 demand, higher revenue propel Tesla shares higher

Tesla Inc. reported quarterly revenue that doubled and a loss that was the electric car maker's largest ever, but its shares rose after revealing more than 1,800 daily reservations for the Model 3 and ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-03

致環境局局長:誰消滅了電動車 ?

這個問題亦是十年前美國一套紀錄片的電影名稱。想當年,有人批評導演Chris Paine指控油企、車商、政客等聯 ...全文


馬斯克冀明年底前完成Model 3訂單

美國電動車公司Tesla(特斯拉)首款「平民版」電動車Model 3上周五晚正式面世,Tesla當晚舉行派對慶 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年07月31日

Tesla rolls out first Model 3 for CEO Elon Musk

Tesla Inc. rolled out the first Model 3 unit from the assembly line, and it's for chief executive Elon Musk, who tweeted pictures of the US$35,000 sedan. Tesla board member Ira Ehrenpreis was the firs ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-11

免稅不再 Tesla新車4月零登記

由於政府在今年公布的財政預算案中取消全免電動車首次登記稅,令業界龍頭Tesla在本港銷情即時冰封。 《華爾街日 ...全文



電動車生產商Tesla周一收市後公布,上季共售出約2.2萬輛Model S房車及Model X多用途車(SUV ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年07月05日

Tesla deliveries at low end of forecast as Model 3 looms

Tesla Inc. said it delivered about 47,100 electric sedans and SUVs in the first half of 2017, at the lower end of its own forecasts, shortly after chief executive Elon Musk announced that production o ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-04

Model 3提前達標 月底交貨
首批30輛 Tesla股價先升後回

多次未能如期交付電動車的Tesla(特斯拉),終於能兌現承諾,並提前達成目標。行政總裁馬斯克(Elon Mus ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年07月04日

Police officer under probe over loss of Rolex watch

A police officer at the Cheung Sha Wan police station is under investigation for allegedly tampering with evidence, a Rolex Daytona watch worth HK$420,000, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. The ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-29

Tesla driver in fatal crash ignored warnings: US report

A man killed in a crash last year while using the semi-autonomous driving system on his Tesla Model S sedan kept his hands off the wheel for extended periods of time despite repeated automated warning ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-20

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