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本港首間樂高主題中心於K11 MUSEA開幕

... 廟街等,並將樂高結合STEAM教學,由樂高模型拼砌達人主理。 因應新冠疫情,場內最高人流及樂高創意工作室等設施 ...全文


高效省人手 戶外大型場地合用

... 客戶需求。 夥學校推STEAM課程 陳:公司亦開拓教育市場,進入學校時有何困難? 黃:有別於商用版機械車須符合 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年02月26日

Outlook for different asset classes in 2021

...  regained steam after a slowdown in the first half of 2020. With governments launching new stimulus packages to help support their economies, institutional investors can play a vital role in the post- ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-12

香港中文大學校友會聯會張煊昌幼稚園 「正向信箱」建立學生正面思維

... 中一個教育特色是滲入STEAM教學元素,「在幼兒教育界,採用STEAM教學的學校不多。我們希望發展和提升小朋友 ...全文


大新銀行與YMCA攜手舉辦 「環保創意電流棒設計比賽」

... 情期間仍能於網上進行STEAM學習,啟發創新思維及解難能力。活動共超過70名學童參賽,並已於早前透過YMCA石 ...全文


Can HK return to the situation before the national security law?

... ing “full steam ahead.” Then came the 2019 protests and the national security law on June 30 this year. How did the law breach the Joint Declaration, as the UK charged? “Well, first it was imposed, th ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-17

Can HK return to the situation before the national security law?

... ing "full steam ahead." Then came the 2019 protests and ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2020年12月17日

The infrastructure spending challenge

... ng out of steam since the 1970s. Some leading macroeconomists, including the public-finance expert Valerie Ramey, think it is far from obvious that the US has a sub-optimal level of public capital. Tr ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-08

模擬搭飛機 遊戲解旅行癮

... 日起,於網上遊戲平台Steam上架,屆時大家可透過乘搭遊戲航班,由美國紐約甘迺迪國際機場,前往加拿大哈利法克斯 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年10月06日

設計思維帶入校園 展人性化學習旅程

... 、活躍求學的精神。 STEAM教育(結合科學、技術、工程、藝術及數學的跨學科教學)現今在全球大行其道,傳統教學 ...全文



... 以來,中學都提倡要做STEAM Education(即係STEM Education 加上Art),於是當局除 ...全文


毛俊輝:創新是養份 李偉民:謙卑不自卑

... RTS)放了進去,即STEAM,是藝術與科技共融,發揮更多。」可是他強調,文創內容尤其重要,科技有時只是扮演工 ...全文



... 心目中的科技與藝術(STEAM)教育實現出來。」 香港貿易發展局   ...全文



STEAM教育近年備受關注,不少初創均致力研發相關教材及用具。所謂高手在民間,由經營潮式糕餅店的楊子儀設計的「 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年05月15日

宅居避疫 美電視使用時間飆60%

... %。至於串流遊戲平台Steam,周日(15日)創下2030萬人同時在線的紀錄,其中有639萬玩家正在打機。 彭 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年03月19日

What happens after the virus fades?

... un out of steam and that business as usual can be resumed, accompanied by a surge of arrests of those involved. They really think that this is the Umbrella Movement all over again. But things have mov ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-06

谷歌拒揼本 開發商停手

...  以電腦遊戲發行平台Steam及任天堂旗下Switch為例,平台現時皆有不少大型玩家社群,吸引遊戲商投放資源, ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年03月03日

How McDonald's turns healthier eating trend into higher profit

... e or kale steam dumplings. To cater to health-conscious consumers, McDonald’s has also introduced light burgers, salads, plant-based burgers, etc. One can't say whether healthier burgers can make a re ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-04

Philippine volcano shows signs of calming but danger remains

... ission of steam-laden plumes”. Even so, it had recorded more than 100 tremors since Wednesday, meaning magma was still rising. More than 53,000 residents have abandoned their homes around Taal to take ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-16

New Zealand recovers six bodies from volcanic island

... g ash and steam over the island. Among the 47 people on the island at the time were Australian, German, Chinese, British and Malaysian tourists. The official death toll stands at eight as the bodies o ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-13

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