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... OASIS KAI TAK各推出1伙,合共2伙均於周日上午11時以先以先到先得形式揀樓,揀樓地點均為尖沙咀海港 ...全文


The Cold War mindset

...  House to take a tough stance on Soviet aggression. The document laid down the theoretical foundation for Washington’s “containment” policy against Soviet expansion. In March this year, a bunch of far ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-30

Bribery trial: Fung and Chan were 'like a married couple'

... and 2006. Taking the witness stand for the prosecution on Monday, Albert Lee King-shing, ICAC’s principal investigator in the case, told the court that Fung revealed in 2016 when making an oral statem ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-28

地產行程 5月27日

... OASIS KAI TAK招標地點:尖沙咀海港城港威大廈第二座19樓 1400 將軍澳SAVANNAH招標地點 ...全文


Over 30,000 expected to apply for 4,871 new HOS flats

... orms were taken for application for HOS flats on the first day they were distributed, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. It was noticed that most of the prospective buyers were young students and ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-24

Populism and public opinion: where should we draw the line?

...  began to take root and flourish. According to news reports, at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos back in January this year, guest speakers and luminaries spent a lot of time discussing ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-22

Fresh pork supply resumes in local markets

... alth Chui Tak-yi revealed that cleansing and disinfection work at the Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse was completed the previous day and that the facility would resume operations. Meanwhile, disinfection w ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-20

Govt launches three-month campaign to eradicate rats in HK

... EHD) will take stringent enforcement actions to achieve the purpose of the campaign, such as by aggressively cleaning all sources of rat infestation, he said. The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) un ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-20

地產行程 5月14日

... OASIS KAI TAK招標地點:尖沙咀海港城港威大廈第二座19樓 1400 將軍澳SAVANNAH招標地點 ...全文


HKMA grants four more virtual banking licenses

... rman Chan Tak-lam said in a statement. He said the launch of virtual banks in Hong Kong, which is a key component of the Smart Banking Initiatives, will certainly facilitate financial innovation, enha ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-10


... OASIS KAI TAK及將軍澳SAVANNAH昨天發出新一張銷售安排,共推出17伙於下周二(14日)發售; ...全文


A political dark age has dawned on Hong Kong

... rman Chan Tak-lam warned this week the overheated market is beyond the affordability of ordinary Hongkongers. The think-tank Our Hong Kong Foundation forecasts that private housing completions will d ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-09

A political dark age has dawned on Hong Kong

... rman Chan Tak-lam warned this week the overheated marke ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2019年05月09日

Pesticides found in samples of HK organic vegetables

... in Sheung Tak Market in Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon City Market and Aberdeen Main Road. Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Leung Siu-fai said on Sunday that whether organic vegetables were ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-06

The 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement

...  began to take root in Chinese soil, thanks to the success of the Russian revolution. Then in 1921, the CPC was founded in Shanghai. Leaders and key activists of the May Fourth Movement all embraced d ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-03

Justice chief's husband fined for unauthorized pool at home

...  and undertaken between April 2, 2017 and January 9, 2018, although he knew he had to obtain approval from the Building Authority in advance. Under the Buildings Ordinance, those undertaking construct ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-24

體育園營運行罰款制 竣工遲一日賠430萬

... 59)成立的Kai Tak Sports Park(KTSP)投得合約,為期25年。新世界發展執行副主席兼總經 ...全文


The real economy

The Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has mentioned the term “real economy”, but hasn’t bothered to explain the term. Over the years, mainland media have ofte ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-17


... s can she take.」中文音注:「厚萬你啤臣啫士65812.png書忒」英文音注:「Chong ta ...全文



... OASIS KAI TAK(下稱OASIS)及屯門掃管笏NAPA,亦推出共13伙同日起標售。 富豪.山峯昨日加 ...全文


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