... ve offer. Netflix is one good target. (Editor's note: Netflix is driving toward boosting the share of original productions to 50 percent in the next few years, chief financial officer David Well said ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-31
智能手機及影音串流近年大行其道,娛樂模式亦隨之大變。消費者愈來愈依賴影視串流商Netflix等渠道收看節目,以 ...全文
Netflix即將推出一部以英女皇伊利沙伯二世為藍本的原創劇《王冠》(The Crown),並告訴投資者要特別 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年10月19日
美國串流視頻商Netflix上季訂戶急增357萬, 遠遠超出市場預期逾半,這主要拜原創劇大受國內外觀眾歡迎所賜 ...全文
Netflix Inc. saw its shares soar 20 percent after it added over 50 percent more subscribers than expected in the third quarter. The video streaming company added about 3.20 million subscribers interna ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-18
... in buying Netflix and Twitter. Big companies appear keen to find new engines of growth through acquisitions against the backdrop of low interest rates and lackluster economic growth. Founded in Cologn ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-07
美國市場近日傳出,迪士尼有意收購美國串流視頻網站Netflix,消息刺激Netflix周一股價急升。 Netf ...全文
... ok、 Apple及Netflix等傲視全球,銷售收入和盈利都按年錄得可觀增長。 早前本欄提及系統化分析具普遍 ...全文
... 死忠遊戲玩家,而內置Netflix和YouTube視像串流服務,反映該公司接受了一個事實:遊戲機本身的處理能力 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年09月12日
... use said. Netflix Inc. will launch a new app when the console launches with 600 hours of 4k content, including its hit crime series Narcos, House said. Google's YouTube unit is also planning an app fo ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-08