
共 455 個結果
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The measure of success? It's anything but this

... erhaps in honor of his South Asian students, the largest ethnic group in his school.     As is customary, he is standing by the gate as the students file in, shaking hands with each of them. The ritua ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-19

Smaller venue chosen to honor China's Rio Olympics medalists

A smaller venue has been chosen for a ceremony to honor the medalists from the Chinese team in the ongoing Rio Olympics. Instead of the 40,000-seater Hong Kong Stadium that hosted previous editions of ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-18

Evergrande: Too big to fail?

... it has to honor its commitment to return a large portion of its revenues to its customers. The use of such extreme sales gimmick in a way indicates how hard it is for Evergrande to move its inventory. ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-18

Why Olympics will no longer serve to promote patriotism in HK

...  that the honor didn't belong to any player until the competition ended. Local netizens made fun of the headline by posting a "crime report", saying that Du lost her gold medal in Brazil and urged the ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-09

Rio organizers rush to replace flawed China flags

...  times in honor of the country's medalists. The design of the Chinese flag is highly symbolic, as the bigger star represents the ruling Communist Party and the smaller ones demonstrate its support fro ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-09

秒殺美食 閃電泡芙

... 小泡芙的Saint-Honoré,造型百變。其配料亦變化萬千,表面可灑上朱古力醬、焦糖、糖霜,內餡有忌廉、吉士 ...全文


A taste of Zhongshan delicacies

Zhongshan, a city in the south of the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong province, China, used to be called Shekki or Shiqi (石岐). In 1925, the city was renamed Zhongshan in the honor of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, t ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-05

Joseph Lian, HKEJ and HK independence: the wind has changed

... ijing can honor its words, discipline itself and respect the territory’s own system. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Aug. 2. Translation by Frank Chen [Chinese version 中文版] ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-03

Britain in search of a country

... in on our honor and national reputation. Removing it will in some respects be the most important task for May, who expresses what surely is a sincere desire to unite the nation. It won’t be easy. Duri ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-22

The slippery business of advertorials for giant mottled eels

...  piece in honor of this eel. My first encounter was in Zhuhai, and it was a bitter-sweet experience. The dish was stewed giant mottled eel with Chinese mushroom. I felt full after finishing only one s ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-15

奧斯曼建築 巴黎貴族風

... urg Saint-Honoré的隱秘地段,坐落於加百列大街(Avenue Gabriel)。設計上,品牌邀請 ...全文


Kowloon Bay blaze: honor heroes by learning from tragedy

The city is still grieving over the two firefighters who lost their lives in the line of duty, Senior Station Officer Thomas Cheung and Senior Fireman Samuel Hui. Condolences continue to pour in for t ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-28

Seafood as fresh as it gets at Seoul’s Noryangjin fish market

Thanks to the 2016 Seoul Food Festival, I had the honor of joining world-class chefs and many other food writers at the Noryangjin Fisheries Wholesale Market (鷺梁津水產市場) for a practical introduction to ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-17

Creative architecture: Serpentine Pavilion & Summer Houses

... ional AIA Honor Awards for Architecture and the prestigious Marcus Prize for Architecture, Milwaukee. Kunlé Adeyemi: inversing the past Kunlé Adeyemi's Summer House is an inverse replica of Queen Caro ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-15

Obama endorses Hillary Clinton; urges Democrats to unite

... oy and an honor that President Obama and I over the years have gone from fierce competitors to true friends," Clinton told Reuters in an interview. Obama's message increases pressure on Sanders to bow ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-10

Huawei to take aim at US market with high-end smartphones

... s via the Honor brand, he said.  [Chinese version中文版] -- Contact us at [email protected] JP/RC ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-08


... 腦和智能手錶,並透過Honor品牌拓展電貿業務。 採訪、撰文:鮑永健 (英文版本由EJ Insight翻譯) ...全文



... 真正巴黎Saint-Honoré名店街。最矛盾的是,她身材卻極端反現實。展場中央搭高台。市場奇貨可居的1959 ...全文


Antislavery crusader to be first black featured on US currency

... note will honor events held at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. Among people featured will be former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt and civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr., the officials sa ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-21

One Belt One Road: Where even propaganda fails

... companies honor existing standards and international laws? Will the huge expansion of infrastructure bring jobs to locals, or will Chinese companies ship in their own labor? How will China's rapid mil ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-15

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