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核心區23巨舖棄租 涉30萬呎

... 面是來自美國服裝品牌GAP承租的愛賓商業大廈約2.55萬方呎旗艦店,該店面積僅次於京華中心巨舖。至於旺角亦有3 ...全文


Who won? No one

...  widening gap between the "Havers" and the "Have-Nots", ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2020年10月06日

Who won? No one

...  widening gap between the “Havers” and the “Have-Nots”, the growing disillusionment over the systemic racism underpinning police brutality in the country, to the country’s ominous economic stagnation ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-05

創新網上平台 補中小企融資缺口

... 口(Funding Gap),因此我們創立此平台,以提供貿易融資相關的服務予中小企業客戶。」 與傳統銀行互補 ...全文


【EJFQ信析】盈利收益率溢價 指點美股入市位

... ing Yield Gap)亦突顯股票吸引力較債券強,為牛市營造基礎。 盈利收益率即每股盈利除以股價(E/P) ...全文


盈利收益率溢價 指點美股入市位

... ing Yield Gap)亦突顯股票吸引力較債券強,為牛市營造基礎。 盈利收益率即每股盈利除以股價(E/P) ...全文


The case for eventual inflation

... ve output gap and 3) can finance deficits at close to zero cost.While such an idea was until recently unthinkable, one consequence of the pandemic has been an opening of the Overton Window, which desc ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-08


《華爾街日報》報道,隨着美國總統大選臨近,Gap及Target等美國企業開始以有薪假形式,鼓勵員工擔任今年總統 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年09月08日


... 9.7%;還有零售股GAP(累升31.1%)等等。 納指方面,8月暫飆近一成,升幅最大成份股當然是Tesla( ...全文



美國服裝零售集團Gap周四公布,截至8月1日止第二財政季度盈轉虧,錄得虧損6200萬美元(約4.836億港元) ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2020年08月29日

Gap次季轉虧 網購增長95%

美國最大服務零售集團Gap公布,截至8月1日止第二季虧損6200萬元(美元‧下同),去年同期獲利1.68億元。 ...全文


Hong Kong’s unique scheme for subsidising the rich

... ere was a gap of some four months between the announcement of the scheme and its implementation. The excuse given here was that the banks could not cope without being given sufficient time. The envisa ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-21

Goodbye, Topshop and others!

... February. GAP will also wind down five outlets, keeping only three. Who cares about buying new clothes anyway, especially when “work from home” dominates and no more happy hours at Lan Kwai Fong as Ho ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-19


... formation Gap)。 資訊距離的簡單理解是,因為資訊換了情景之後原來的狀態或相關性出現改變,因而產生 ...全文


Reforming education in the post-COVID-19 era

... king at Sngapore. Singapore has implemented a highly innovative and comprehensive “Learning Management System”. It’s high time for Hong Kong to catch up and pursue its own unique “Hybrid Learning Stra ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-12

Is China winning the AI race?

... close the gap with America’s AI industry. China’s edge begins with its population of 1.4 billion, which affords an unparalleled pool of talent, the largest domestic market in the world, and a massive ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-05


根據瑞士再保險的最新研究,2019年亞太區的壽險保障缺口(Mortality Protection Gap)高 ...全文


How to change people’s minds about science

On some issues, the majority of scientists agree, but large segments of the public are not convinced, resulting in consensus gaps. Unfortunately, many of the most important gaps today relate to sustai ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-24

歐萊雅重組港業務傳裁60人 未炒完
三大方向變革 調整分店拓網購

... 名員工;美國服裝品牌GAP關閉本港5間分店,以及英國時裝品牌Topshop將於10月份關閉中環旗艦店,並會轉戰 ...全文


How women can power the green transition

... arent pay-gap analysis, leading the United Kingdom’s government to certify recently that the company’s female employees in the UK earn 95% of what their male colleagues do. Academic institutions and N ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-14

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