
共 2016 個結果
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The growth engines are sputtering

... ll before COVID-19 emerged. The US-China trade war featured the return of high tariffs and other protectionist measures that have generated far-reaching knock-on effects throughout the global economy. ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-26


... ,並非聚焦中國。面對COVID-19大流行,2021年緬甸軍事政變和氣候變化等危機,QUAD未有提出任何集體實 ...全文


Will the Ukraine war upend the sustainability agenda?

... eady, the COVID-19 pandemic redirected global attention and resources away from the targets enshrined in the 2015 Paris climate agreement, as countries focused on their immediate public-health needs. ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-25

Smart city starts with smart planning

... rd on the Covid-19 epidemic in February 2020. Completed in only three days, the bilingual interactive map dashboard facilitates the public to grasp the changing situation of the epidemic at a glance w ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-25

惠陶集團(08238) (修改後標題) 公告及通告 - [股東周年大會通告 / 暫停辦理過戶登記手續或更改暫停辦理過戶日期]

惠陶集團(08238) 更改股東週年大會日期及暫停辦理股份過戶登記期間以及更新COVID-19相關指引(546 ...全文


惠陶集團(08238) 股東周年大會的結果 / 暫停辦理過戶登記手續或更改暫停辦理過戶日期

惠陶集團(08238) 更改股東週年大會日期及暫停辦理股份過戶登記期間以及更新COVID-19相關指引(546 ...全文


This inflation is demand-driven and persistent

Commentators have generally offered two arguments about advanced economies’ performance since COVID-19 struck, only one of which can be true. The first is that the economic rebound has been surprising ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-22

What we need for long-term peace and prosperity

... loss, the COVID-19 pandemic, rising energy and food costs, and war reveal international systems in dire need of redesign. An economic model predicated on the pursuit of indefinite production and consu ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-21

Horse racing never dies

... number of Covid-19 cases reached five-digit level and the core districts were dead with less than five people seen outside Sogo, Causeway Bay. The resilient betting data was also consistent with the t ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-20

KFM金德(03816) 內幕消息

KFM金德(03816) 內幕消息 由於COVID-19疫情導致上海封鎖對業務運營造成的影響(191KB, p ...全文



... 能源淨出口國。 因為COVID-19大流行影響了頁岩油氣生產和提煉,2021年上半年,美國仍大部分時間回復到能 ...全文



... 2019年開始肆虐的COVID-19到目前仍然未受控,很多人都猶豫是否應在此刻接種第四針,因為針對Omicro ...全文



... hypoxia),在COVID-19感染者身上似乎相當普遍,但一開始往往不會察覺。 隱形缺氧讓醫生大感驚訝,有 ...全文


Reopening story in Asia and renewed investment opportunity

... e current Covid-19 situation in China and the Ukraine conflict can be eased, some of the inflationary pressures can also be relieved, and China on a relative basis will look very attractive. China is ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-14

Europe’s economy on a knife edge

... ht by the COVID-19 pandemic was solidifying. Industrial production rose in January, and retail trade rebounded. Economic sentiment improved in the first half of February, surpassing pre-pandemic level ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-14

Inequality is a business risk

... eeds. The COVID-19 crisis both exposed and exacerbated many forms of marginalization, from social isolation and the digital divide to food insecurity and a lack of access to affordable housing. These ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-14

Reforming Hong Kong for the better: Economics and finance

... proach to COVID-19 that we saw in last two years, serio ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightNeville Lai, Brian YS Wong2022年04月14日

瑞科生物獲阿聯酋批准 展新冠疫苗ReCOV臨床試驗

... 對先前已完成兩劑滅活COVID-19疫苗基礎免疫,且末次接種時間距ReCOV異源加強接種3至12個月的人群,是 ...全文


Reforming Hong Kong for the better: Economics and finance

... proach to COVID-19 that we saw in last two years, serious doubts have been cast over this what once was called the Asia’s world city, as to whether Hong Kong could rebound from the crisis and live up ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-12

野村:藥明康德首季收入勝指引 維持買入評級

... 長33%,主要來自與Covid-19相關項目的顯著貢獻所帶動,估計全年有關收入可達70億元人民幣。 更多券商分 ...全文


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