... 距離Edgware Road地鐵站僅1分鐘步程,步行距離可到達Crossrail大站Paddington St ...全文
... with good road and rail links to both cities. Based on school admissions, more than 2,000 Hong Kong people now live there. One of them is Jack Liu, 50, who moved with his wife and nine-year-old son to ...More
EJ Insight2022-09-26
... 雞尾酒,「Silk Road」便以四川花椒蒸餾酒、西柚蒸餾酒、新鮮西柚、菠蘿、柑橘等調配,酸甜中帶酒勁,味道清 ...全文
... The Bumpy Road to Recovery的報告,大致把熊市分為3類,分別為結構性、周期性及由事件推 ...全文
... Belt One Road”, Wong said the HKSAR Government is fully aware that to capitalize on national development opportunities, Hong Kong must proactively draw on its strengths and join forces with Shenzhen ...More
EJ Insight2022-09-07
... 點。 區內Bath Road的停車場,則重建為Hounslow自治市政府的新總部Hounslow House, ...全文
... s on “the road to serfdom.” Finally, the Hungarian economic anthropologist Karl Polanyi saw that Hayek’s vision of a market-bestowed utopia was unsustainable by dint of being inhuman. People want a sa ...More
EJ Insight2022-09-01
... hitehorse Road與Balwyn Road交界一帶的消費點,有銀行及超市,由於區內華人多,當然少不了 ...全文
在Balwyn區內Narrak Road 60號的一座5房大屋最近放盤,豪宅外形宏偉,室內裝潢華麗。其中一間房 ...全文
Alas, it is easy for students to get back to school, but not easy for the young and smart guns to get back to work. Spare a thought for the human resource people at Apple, the world’s most admirable c ...More
EJ Insight2022-08-24
... rk in the road of life where knowing which path is the ...全文
港島半山波老道超級豪宅21 BORRETT ROAD,最新錄得首宗租務成交,一個中高層5房戶,連雙車位以每月2 ...全文
港島半山超級豪宅項目21 BORRETT ROAD高層1室,實用面積2945方呎,5房雙套間隔,坐享海景及山景 ...全文
... Claremont Road與Claremont Way之間興建一座佔地8000方呎的臨時建築The Visi ...全文
... 舉行畫展,我趁這迷你Road Trip的機會,順道多停Hertford一站捧場。Claire是個多產的藝術家, ...全文
... ENTY PEAK ROAD BY V及銅鑼灣The Hayworth by V,合共68伙。當中,TWENT ...全文
... lantation Road第1至3期上月29日內部轉讓15幢洋房,成交價由2.72億至5.85億元;成交記錄 ...全文