
共 160 個結果
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The climate security failure

... n and the advent of a new cold war, there was little interest in issues like adaptation to climate change and green finance. Given that the MSC’s organizers defined the transformation of relations bet ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-06

'The Lottery'

... gets. The advent of the social media era has only exacerbated such tendencies. We are driven by an impulse to signal – signal membership, signal moral superiority, signal being ‘in’ as opposed to bein ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-14


... 的「聖誕倒數月曆」(Advent Calendar)。 聖誕月曆帶來商機 聖誕倒數月曆的概念源自十九世紀以月曆 ...全文



...  聖誕倒數日曆英文叫Advent calendar,Advent本來即「耶穌將降臨」的意思,源起於德國路德會十 ...全文


The World Cup and the world economy

... ures. The advent of the Fan Zones, which really took off following the 2006 World Cup in Germany, embodied this spirit, though I experienced it most intensely in Seoul in 2002. The link between footba ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-22

Say it with music

... cated the advent of an administration more attuned to the necessity to restore life to Hong Kong than its predecessor ever displayed. For both musicians and lovers of live music, the announcement that ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-20

Private equity’s ESG generation

... n and the advent of shareholder democracy. We now need to do the same for ESG reporting and stakeholder democracy. And a new generation of private-market players can lead the way. Copyright: Project S ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-15

Yes, crypto still matters

... t for the advent of mobile-deposit apps, showing how over time emerging technologies and established business models eventually converge. As fast-growing fintech companies have blurred the lines betwe ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-08

Fake patriots, real opportunitsts

... ed by the advent of political opportunitism and social media-fuelled populism – of fake patriotism. “Patriots” claiming to fight for their country, when in practice the first thing they’d do is to run ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-07

Buy now, pay later 2.0 has arrived: Live now, pay later

... ed by the advent of big data, digital identities and smartphones. Technology like this enables fintech companies to easily gather customer profiles and user behaviour, giving them the ability to appro ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-02

區塊鏈安全初創 淡市突圍

... 資額,當中投資方包括Advent International、Insight Partners、Tiger G ...全文


東芝擬售電梯業務 美的等傳有意競投

... 優勢。另私募股權公司Advent International和Cinven也可能競標。 東芝的電梯業務在交易中 ...全文


How AI and machine learning will transform Software as a Service

... rces. The advent of SaaS coincides with the almost ubiquitous concept of big data which allows organisations to analyse, withdraw and utilise data that is too complex for traditional data-processing a ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-07

Walgreens啟動售Boots藥房程序 Sycamore欲購

... tal考慮聯手出價。Advent及KKR未決定是否參與。 Walgreens、Issa及上述提及的私募基金未有 ...全文


Good riddance, 2021!

... , and the advent of the meta-verse be treated as a mere ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年12月31日

Good riddance, 2021!

... , and the advent of the meta-verse be treated as a mere inconvenience that could be tolerated and internalised as calculable risks, given the extensive reforms that have already gone down? Only time c ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-29


... 宗教性的物品,英文是Advent calendar。Advent是基督教的降臨節,在聖誕節前的第四個星期日開始 ...全文


The Establishment: And how they get away with it'-Owen Jones

... since the advent of the 21st century and social media, ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年12月15日

‘The Establishment: And how they get away with it’ -Owen Jones

... since the advent of the 21st century and social media, turned to fake news and alt-right echo chambers as a retaliatory gesture against the unyielding Establishment. The second lesson, is the extent t ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-13

Omicron: A wake-up call

... with. The advent of Omicron is a harbinger of what woul ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年12月09日

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