... ran into Kai Bo Food Supermarket, which is located at the junction of Reclamation Street and Pak Hoi Street, where he attacked a 50-year-old manager of the store. According to reports, the man had vi ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-18
In the 2018-19 budget, the Hong Kong government unveiled the Green Board Programme to support green projects of companies by encouraging them to seek financing through the city's capital markets. As e ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-15
... IBU、OASIS KAI TAK和 MONTEREY理想銷情所帶動。 土地儲備方面,截至去年底,旗下管理的土 ...全文
I intend to utilize this column in the coming weeks to discuss various topics pertaining to the Hong Kong government’s latest budget, adding my perspective on the key issues related to the city. For s ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-01
... AND OASIS KAI TAK今日透過公開招標售出一伙低座花園複式單位,為地下至1樓C室,實用面積1466 ...全文
... ructed in Kai Tak Development Area, and 11 existing public hospitals would either be redeveloped or expanded. Once completed, the 10-year plan was expected to deliver an extra 5,000 hospital beds. The ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-15
... Sun Hung Kai Properties’ (00016.HK) co-founder Kwok Tak-seng. Kwong made her debut on the list at No. 5 with a net worth of US$15 billion. – Contact us at [email protected] TL/JC/CG ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-15
... REY及OASIS KAI TAK提供0.5%至1%折扣優惠,兩個樓盤雙重優惠最高可減樓價2%。 恒地(000 ...全文
... 以及啟德OASIS KAI TAK,共6個樓盤涉及95伙,可享1%優惠;其中,MONTEREY及OASIS K ...全文
... 龍東啟德OASIS KAI TAK(下稱OASIS)推出「喜迎金豬優惠」,於正月至3月底購入指定的95個單位, ...全文
... 以及啟德OASIS KAI TAK,共6個樓盤涉及95伙,可享1%優惠。當中MONTEREY及OASIS KA ...全文
... phen Wong Kai-yi said the large-scale data breach incidents that happened last year underscored the need for organizations to enhance data security. “Organizations must constantly bear in mind the fac ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-01
... d Li Tzar-kai, the younger son of Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing, on board as an investor. According to the media reports, the investment boosted the valuation of Outblaze to over HK$600 million, m ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-30
As an international metropolis and an externally-oriented economy, Hong Kong has fully integrated into the global community over the years in terms of its systems and way of life. Given that, the city ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-24
... 龍東啟德OASIS KAI TAK錄得逾40億元,連同屯門NAPA、山頂聶歌信山道8號MOUNT NICHOL ...全文
... 龍東啟德OASIS KAI TAK和將軍澳南MONTEREY等進行家訪。 旗下每個樓盤專設收樓隊伍 會德豐地產 ...全文
... Sun Hung Kai & Co (SHKC), which is reported to have offered its staff a new perk: unlimited holidays. Who doesn’t welcome such New Year gift? Interestingly, the SHKC news was initially greeted w ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-14
Recently, Hong Kong has again become the focus of international attention. A mainland enterprise was suspected of violating US sanctions against Iran in December 2018 by pursuing business deals with t ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-08
... phen Wong Kai-yi said his office, along with other pertinent government departments, will study whether there is a need to review the Privacy Ordinance in light of the incident, adding that it may ask ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-08
... e order. Kai Ruting, a German lawyer not involved in the case, said the court order was directed at Apple entities rather than third parties. “These third parties are still free to sell the [affected ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-04