蘋果iPhone 7智能手機才剛剛上市,關於下一代iPhone 8的傳聞已經不脛而走。科技網站報道,蘋果正積極 ...全文
iPhone 7於周五(16日)全球開售,在早前市場一致看淡下,初步銷情遠較預期強勁,其中7 Plus系列及備 ...全文
Apple's iPhone 7 is somewhat disappointing, proving once again that the smartphone industry has entered an era where we can't expect new products to offer breathtaking upgrades from older versions. In ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-12
蘋果推出iPhone 7,市場反應不算好,不少投資者認為蘋果欠缺突破創新。新設計中,以移除耳機插口,統一使用蘋 ...全文
美國知名活躍投資者伊坎(Carl Icahn)2013年買入蘋果股票,並猜測該公司日後或會推出電視機,更估計這 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年09月09日
Apple Inc. on Wednesday unveiled iPhone 7 and 7 Plus along with a set of new wireless headphones called AirPods and the next generation of the firm's smartwatch. The new iPhones come with high-resolut ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-08
Samsung Electronics has unveiled two new smartwatches featuring digital functions and up to four days of battery life. The world's biggest maker of consumer electronic products introduced its new line ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-01
《華爾街日報》引述消息報道,蘋果資深顧問曼斯菲爾德(Bob Mansfield)近日「出山」執掌電動車開發計劃 ...全文
Apple Inc. has placed a senior executive in charge of its electric vehicle development program called Project Titan, the Wall Street Journal reports, citing unnamed sources. Bob Mansfield, one of the ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-26
科技數據供應商國際數據資訊(IDC)表示,今年第二季全球智能手錶付運量首次錄得跌幅,按年下跌32%,至350萬 ...全文
After a relatively quiet year, smartphones are back with a bang. Apple Pay debuted its Pokémon GO campaign in Hong Kong and Facebook launched its Mentions app that enables public figures to post updat ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-21
Throw away your Octopus card (and also your bulging wallet) next time you jog. If you need to grab a bottle of water from a 7-Eleven outlet, just wake up your smartphone or wearable with one light tap ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-21
蘋果的Apple Pay支付服務終於登陸香港,本港首批6家銀行包括滙豐、恒生(00011)、渣打香港、中銀(0 ...全文