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群眾外包平台 任務自發分配

去年中開始的反修例風波觸發連串社會運動,網上眾籌平台的作用廣受關注,經常在數小時內一呼百應,籌款超標完成,用於 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年04月06日


由於考試和休息,與讀者闊別了兩周。近月疫情下,世界各地都傳出有華人被歧視的消息。我也想趁這個機會分享我在美國的 ...全文


實習機會開啟學生創科路 NxTEC 2.0計劃培育本地創科人

NxTEC 2.0計劃於去年完成,有50間初創及逾200名學生參與。 香港創科近年發展熾熱,不少初創均積極擴 ...全文


Waging war on Covid-19

The world is at war. The enemy is resilient, ruthless, and unpredictable, with no regard for race, nationality, ideology, or wealth. Already, it has killed more than 26,000 people and infected over 56 ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-30


本港失業率連月攀升,資訊科技(IT)工作會否成為被解僱人士的「逃生門」?本港編程學校科啟學院(Tecky Ac ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年03月27日

US Senate passes US$2 trillion coronavirus relief bill

The US Senate overwhelmingly backed a US$2 trillion bill aimed at helping unemployed workers and industries hurt by the coronavirus epidemic, as well as providing billions of dollars to buy urgently n ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-26

India outsourcing sector struggles with work-from-home scenario

As the coronavirus pandemic pushes India into a lockdown, the call centers and IT services firms that function as the world’s back office are struggling to piece together work-from-home solutions and ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-26

Pandemic prompts wave of prisoner releases

The rapid spread of coronavirus is piling pressure on criminal justice systems globally and has led to a flood of prisoner releases, with the United States, Canada and Germany joining Iran in releasin ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-26

聖公會主愛小學 學生聯合助養烏干達小孩

位於葵青區的聖公會主愛小學,學生於學業、體藝、品格發展上均有卓越的表現,成為區內深受家長歡迎的學校。 譚先明校 ...全文



「做人如果沒夢想,跟鹹魚有什麼分別?」香港的新世代常常被稱為沒有夢想的一代,聖公會主愛小學譚先明校長強調夢想的 ...全文



東盟國家在經濟高速發展的同時,也面對城市人口飆升引發的住屋、環境、治安等問題;而發達國家如英國、加拿大,則備受 ...全文


Netflix, Facebook to cut data traffic in India to ease networks

Netflix and Facebook announced that they will reduce their data traffic in India to ease the pressure on telecoms networks in the country, where millions are using home internet amid a coronavirus loc ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-25

India's Modi orders total lockdown for 21 days

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Tuesday the government would impose a lockdown across the nation of 1.3 billion people from midnight for 21 days to stem the spread of the coronavirus. “The ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-25

Fed unveils unprecedented measures to support virus-hit economy

The US Federal Reserve rolled out an extraordinary array of programs to backstop an economy reeling from the impact of the coronavirus outbreak, Reuters reports. For the first time, the Fed will back ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-24

US states tell citizens to stay home in bid to slow virus spread

Nearly one in three Americans was under orders on Sunday to stay home to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic as Ohio, Louisiana and Delaware became the latest states to enact broad restriction ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-23

Dow loses almost all that it gained during Trump presidency

US stocks deepened their selloff on Wednesday and the Dow erased virtually the last of its gains since President Donald Trump’s 2017 inauguration, as the widening repercussions of the coronavirus pand ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-19

ECB launches 750 bln euro emergency bond purchase program

The European Central Bank (ECB) launched a 750 billion euro (US$820 billion) emergency bond purchase scheme after an unscheduled meeting on Wednesday, aiming to stem a spiraling economic and financial ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-19

Americans may get US$1,000 checks in US$1 trillion stimulus plan

The Trump administration pursued a US$1 trillion stimulus package to buttress an economy hit by coronavirus fears that could deliver US$1,000 checks to Americans within two weeks, Reuters reports. Wit ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-18


近年STEM教育成為全球教育界的潮流,結集科學(Science)、科技(Technology)、工程(Engi ...全文


Rate cuts alone won't help the world ride out Covid-19 crisis

The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered panic-selling in stock markets around the world. In the United States, the Federal Reserve intervened and slashed interest rates by half a percentage point last wee ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-13

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