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China wants to promote potatoes as staple food

... apan. The sharp change in temperatures between day and night over there provided the unique crispy texture of its potatoes. But in recent years, due to climate change, there has been a significant dro ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-04


... 富幽默感的崔圭德又以sharp醒藍豬特警電話造型,提醒家家戶戶外遊慶祝時必須鎖好門窗,並以精明眼好好看管財物。 ...全文


Fed says will be 'patient' on future rate hikes

... to face a sharp downturn. Combined with comments that the Fed’s balance sheet would remain larger than previously expected, the Fed’s meeting this week may mark a somewhat anticlimactic end to its yea ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-31

Is Carrie Lam's honeymoon with the opposition over?

... she faced sharp criticism in the Legislative Council for raising the elderly welfare age from 60 to 65, she angered lawmakers by caustically reminding them they had voted for it. Lam’s popularity has ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-31

Is Carrie Lam’s honeymoon with the opposition over?

... she faced sharp criticism in the Legislative Council fo ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2019年01月31日

Apple iPhone revenue falls 15% but services business grows

Apple on Tuesday reported a 15 percent drop in iPhone revenue in the holiday shopping quarter but said its services business, which includes Apple Music and the App Store, enjoyed sharp growth.  Reven ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-30

Fears of a euro area recession overdone

... s and the sharp drop in Chinese car sales is likely to weigh on euro area exports for some more time. Finally, US demand should soften as the effects of the fiscal stimulus wear off.  Yet we think tha ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-21

貼地日子繼續過 皆因靈感自生活

... 辦人夏普(Evan Sharp)憑創意靈感誤打誤撞構建出大熱的Pinterest,雖然已晉身富豪之列,但仍過着 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2019年01月19日

Theresa May wins confidence vote; seeks end to Brexit impasse

... ught into sharp relief the problem May faces; trying to win over pro-EU supporters in her own and other parties without alienating those who keep her in power - for instance, by giving up the “no-deal ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-17

Risks to the global economy in 2019

... sector, a sharp contraction in housing prices and construction could prove extremely painful to absorb.  Any significant growth recession in China would hit the rest of Asia hard, along with commodity ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-14

Forex outlook for 2019

... providing sharp swings in the pound at various stages during the year. In April, the pound was trading at 1.43 against the US dollar, but has now slid to around 1.26. The greenback itself had had a lo ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-08

A Chinese bank launches relay mortgages

... reat of a sharp economic slowdown is the overriding concern.  This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Jan 7  Translation by Julie Zhu  [Chinese version 中文版]  – Contact us at english ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-07

China said to mull plans for more financial aid to small firms

... o avert a sharp economic slowdown, brought about by slowing domestic demand and tough US tariffs on its exports. On Friday, the central bank cut reserve rate requirements for a fifth time in a year, w ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-07

China and US to hold trade talks in Beijing on Jan 7-8

... ed with a sharp hike in US tariffs on Chinese goods originally set for Jan. 1 and Beijing could retaliate. Trump has said talks toward a deal are progressing well, but it is unclear if Beijing will yi ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-04

I'll be back !

... f,外資嘛。我12點sharp立刻「鬆」人,儘管今日下午沒事幹。一入電梯,只聽到普通話;出電梯,又是普通話。好 ...全文


MPF members lost almost HK$22K on average in 2018, index shows

As stock markets sank in the last few months of 2018, members of Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) schemes also saw the money they were saving for retirement suffer sharp losses. The Convoy MPF Composite ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-03

US entering late cycle, but no immediate threat of recession

... implies a sharp slowdown in the world economy is underway. But should investors really be worrying about oil just now? Oil prices as a guide to global demand have occasionally sent investors some ver ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-03

Trump vs the economy

... w taken a sharp turn south. At this point, broad indices are in correction territory (meaning a 10 percent drop from the recent peak), and indices of tech stocks, such as the Nasdaq, are in bear-marke ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-31

Why Next Digital is raising the price of Apple Daily

... lead to a sharp fall in online traffic. Apple Daily has been suffering from a sharp decline in both advertising and circulation revenue in the past four years after the failure of the Occupy Central p ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-28


... 下日本電子集團聲寶(Sharp)和珠海政府組建一家合資企業。 路透引述消息指出,聲寶沒有參與珠海晶片廠項目的談 ...全文


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