Beijing police have warned car owners that putting stickers on the rear windows of their vehicles is against the law, and they could be held criminally responsible if it resulted in accidents. The war ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-24
... cleaning windows at high-rise buildings, the government needs to revisit the regulations related to work safety, according to the International Migrants Alliance (IMA). The government must provide l ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-24
... 動力,公司毋須再依賴Windows(視窗)作業系統及Office軟件,逐漸轉型成數碼公司。消息帶動微軟股價事隔 ...全文
... exterior windows in high-rise buildings, there have been a lot of weird, even irrational, opposition to the idea. Some said every job is dangerous. Some argued it should have been proposed by the Lab ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-21
... includes Windows software and the company's struggling mobile business fell 1.8 percent to US$9.29 billion. Net income fell 4 percent to US$4.69 billion from a year earlier. On an adjusted basis, Mic ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-21
Hong Kong and Philippine officials agreed on the need to ensure the occupational safety of domestic workers during a meeting to discuss a plan to bar them from cleaning the exterior of windows in high ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-18
... hake your windowsAnd rattle your wallsFor the times they are a-changin’. For the writers, look at it this way. At least Stephen King didn’t win the Nobel Prize in Literature. Dennis Posadas is a Manil ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-18
... terior of windows for Filipino helpers until Nov. 14, pending a meeting with Labor Department officials on Monday. -- Contact us at [email protected] EL/AC/RA ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-17
Indonesia is following a move by the Philippine government to ban its nationals working as domestic helpers in Hong Kong from cleaning the exterior of windows in high-rise buildings. The Indonesian Co ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-14
The Philippines has banned its nationals employed as domestic helpers in Hong Kong from cleaning the exterior of windows in high-rise buildings. In a notice sent to employment agencies in the territor ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-13
... terior of windows is not part of the domestic helper's ...全文
... layers in windows. PV cells can be made into semi-transparent strips to let light partially go through. While PV-integrated windows may only generate between 1/8 and 1/10 of the electricity sourced fr ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-07
... pened the windows forcibly to gain entry and took three watches worth HK$150,000. The Kwun Tong Regional Crime Unit took over the investigation of the two cases, but there had been no arrests yet. Ear ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-26
... doors and windows were closed before she went out, but still, the prosecution said, the children could have been hurt as there were electrical appliances and outlets in the house. Fortunately, nothing ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-26
... high-rise windows. Around 500 foreign maids joined the march organized by the Asian Migrants Coordinating Body, an alliance of several unions of foreign maids in the city, from Chater Road in Central ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-05
... 。受益於Azure和Windows Server的聯手,微軟是唯一提供公有雲端(public cloud)、私 ...全文
... vices for Windows 10 devices. In a press release Tuesday, Microsoft said it is “collaborating closely” with XiChuang on search advertising and operations to ensure a smooth transition and added that C ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-31
... from the windows as the robbers might fire their weapons. The robbers did exchange gunfire with the responding policemen, wounding two of the officers, but all the restaurant diners and staff were s ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-26
... ory whose windows were all covered up, Yangcheng Wanbao said. The three men arrested, aged 31 to 36, are all from Hunan province. One of them said he came to Guangzhou in February to look for work. B ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-25
... ty as the windows might not have been locked. Bridge of Rehabilitation is a private residential care facility for mentally disabled people. Grace Home is licensed by the Social Welfare Department to r ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-24