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... 品有關套餐,當中涉及Beyond Meat的各種產品,都得到很正面的迴響,套餐銷售量一下子讓人造肉在內地銷售及 ...全文


Big issues for 2022

With the calendar year drawing to a close, the parlor game of pretending to know what will happen in the next 12 months has begun. Yet when it comes to 2022 (and beyond), I am not sure whether it is w ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-10

Remembering Anita Mui

... tends far beyond an interpersonal relationship; it doesn’t take a personal encounter for anyone to realise how important she was, she is to Hong Kong. Anita was born in the tail-end of the 1960s – at ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-08

‘Smart prison’ reduces social cost, create greater value for HK

... twenties. Beyond this age range, it would be difficult for them to pick up these abilities essential for high level professional skills. As mentioned in the Article of Change, "Young people are a very ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-06

擬改名重塑品牌 全力拓展大灣區

... EAP & Beyond富通企業家發展計劃」,同時引入Moodie人工智能技術,最近則與科研初創Dat ...全文


改進人造肉 新品牌湧現

... ble Foods及Beyond Meat出現之後,大批新一代人造肉品牌陸續出現。 Impossible Fo ...全文


變種病毒侵襲 小注吼科企

... 不自知,人造肉生產商Beyond Meat就是一個例子。 作者阿米(馮宏遠)為馭風聯合創辦人、華晉證券資產管理 ...全文



... ding time beyond our shores are subjected to three weeks’ imprisonment at their own expense. Unless, of course, you happen to be a film star, CEO of a major institution or a government official, all o ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-26

Europe: In preparation for a colder winter

... onfidence beyond the effect on their purchasing power, in particular at the bottom end of the income distribution. The third adverse development for the European economy is the severe supply bottlenec ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-24

Ending the permanent respiratory disease pandemic

...  services beyond the pandemic. Without this continued support, the world will remain exposed to the possibility of another respiratory infection pandemic. And we will risk failing to achieve many of t ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-19

Authoritarian-populism spectre hanging over US-China relations

...  China is beyond the pale because the US shares no common values with it. It harks back to the infamous thesis of “Clash of Civilizations” by Samuel Huntington , where conflicts would be fought on civ ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-18

A capital-markets union key to greening Europe

... offerings beyond their own borders, potentially forgoing more attractive investment opportunities. This highlights the need to complete the banking union, which includes common banking supervision, a ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-16

The things we carried

... lications beyond the strict context of war. One such co ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年11月16日

The things we carried

... lications beyond the strict context of war. One such context, I’d like to think, is Hong Kong – and the neoliberal logic that has undergirded our city’s economy over the many past decades, which have ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-15

元宇宙論 形而上學

... 合而成,Meta解作Beyond,而Verse則源自Universe之簡寫,由於Beyond有超越現在及未來的 ...全文


開市焦點:港股挑戰廿天線 留意友邦 中芯 海底撈

... 成份股。人造肉生產商Beyond Meat上季虧損大過預期,收入也令人失望,股價挫逾13%。 美滙指數今年首突 ...全文


道指低收158點失守36000 納指彈0.52%

... 成份股。人造肉生產商Beyond Meat上季虧損大過預期,收入也令人失望,股價狠挫逾13%。 美滙指數續強 ...全文


Beyond Meat第三季虧損大增

人造肉生產商Beyond Meat上季虧損按年擴大184%,至5480萬美元或每股87美仙,遠高過預期39美仙 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2021年11月12日

憂加快收水 道指受壓納指曾彈1%

... 跌7%。人造肉生產商Beyond Meat上季虧損大過預期,收入也令人失望,股價狠挫逾13%。 美滙指數續強 ...全文


Beyond Meat季績遜色 市後時段股價挫

美國人造肉生產商Beyond Meat公布,截至10月2日止第三季,虧損5480萬美元(下同),去年同期虧損1 ...全文


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