
共 3000 個結果
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Who will be the next CE?

... eijing to keep quiet about her favorite candidate even two months before the Chief Executive election. But it is quite likely the answer will be known soon after a local report suggested that Beijing ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-19

【輪證贏家】恒指彈高 「人道」對Put

... 喺五分鐘圖上暫時都仲Keep住今朝開市嘅位置,so far出咗三支燭,但每支燭嘅低位都比前一個高,隨時un u ...全文


Why inflation is not a threat to REITs

... likely to keep thriving. Last year, amongst the six major REIT markets around the world, the United States (US), Japan, Australia, the UK and Hong Kong, all saw REITs outperforming the respective gene ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-19

History by decree

... utin will keep Russians safe from their enemies, just as Stalin did when Hitler invaded. And only an Israeli government that knows how to be ruthless will prevent another Holocaust. The problem with h ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-13

【輪證贏家】恒指牛 始終都係近熊街貨

... STC(14,3)都keep住喺80以上嘅超買水平位而走隻(67002)的話,按當時高低位做過0.066元/0 ...全文


Implications of a reshaping of global semiconductor supply chain

... gether to keep the semiconductor supply chain in friendly hands. In June, Japan approved a USD338 mn semiconductor research project with TSMC. TSMC could also reportedly start operating its first chip ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-10

Achieving operational resilience through risk management

...  order to keep up with the constant changes and introduction of new regulations. Why is Operational Resilience Needed? Due to the acceleration of digitalisation efforts, Hong Kong businesses have show ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-10

小注怡情 愛竹戰看賽馬

... 費事除口罩,打麻將就keep住一星期一次,睇(賽)馬就兩次,我唔鍾意入場,尤其沙田(馬場)一定唔會去,跑馬地就 ...全文


【輪證贏家】日線失10天線 恒指熊搵位出動

... (00005)(其實keep住幾日都係講跟隻大象)今日開市再見升勢,仲上破埋50蚊呢個位,總算對電台嘅聽眾有個 ...全文


Winning a Mark Six jackpot under the fifth wave

...  safer to keep your money in the pocket than invest in the unknown. On top of that, whether it is wise to invest in Hong Kong assets is in doubt after an estimated 100,000 plus people left this city l ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-05

The whims of emissions reduction

...  does not keep up with the pace, we only have 779 quick chargers currently. There have always been long queues of electric vehicles waiting for chargers. Therefore, the authority should work hard to i ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-04

鍾情結他 母為「東宮」余麗珍

... 或者有人知,但我從來keep得好秘密冇講媽咪身份。」 購柴灣工廈單位夾Band 被問到熱愛音樂是否受母親熏陶, ...全文


Three tips for digital transformation

... fforts to keep up with consumer expectations. As customers’ needs evolve, organizations need to invest in technology and training that serves both employees and consumers. -- Contact us at english@hke ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-31

【輪證贏家】Happy New Year!

... 10點2分,指數仍然Keep住喺高位橫行,50分鐘線(五分鐘圖10線)真係有排都未到,不過見到保歷加通道口繼續 ...全文


Clouds over 2022

... rty could keep going. But the asset and credit bubbles may deflate in 2022 when policy normalization starts. Moreover, inflation, slower growth, and geopolitical and systemic risks could create the co ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-31

The mutation of vaccine apartheid

... d somehow keep the rest of the world safe. It hasn’t, and closing borders won’t work when the next frightening variant emerges. Global injustice, it turns out, is very bad for public health. Although ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-30


... l have to keep after him on it, but I think you hit it ...全文


Does Japan vindicate modern monetary theory?

... e pyramid keeps expanding. In the US, the government may be able to keep increasing its debt and maintaining its PAYGO social-security system for several decades to come. But Japan enjoys no such luxu ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-23

The US must not make empty threats

... d vows to keep US forces in Lebanon. But, as in Vietnam and Afghanistan, this served only to compound the reputational blow dealt by the subsequent withdrawal. The lesson is clear: the US should ensur ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-23

Tokyo has done it. When is Hong Kong's turn?

... ou get to keep your "sacrosanct" marriage, whilst other ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年12月23日

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