
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ...150

The COP of no return

... arting to act. Climate adaptation and new forms of collaboration are gaining traction, and investment in climate tech is booming. This includes new carbon-removal technologies, electric transport solu ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-12

Who should coordinate Ukraine’s reconstruction?

... tion must act as the “brains,” or coordinating entity, for the reconstruction effort. It is tempting to say that this should be the Ukrainian government. No one knows Ukraine’s reconstruction needs be ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-12

中美競爭 誰不怕誰

8月,美國公布《晶片與科學法案》(CHIPS and Science Act of 2022),承諾向晶片行業 ...全文


The state is taking back energy

... powerful factor compelling government intervention is climate change. The surge in energy demand over the past year has been led by coal, which remains the dominant source of power in Asia, causing gr ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-10

What does the future have in store for travel payments?

... pted the tactic we now call “trip stacking.” This entails booking multiple trips, hotel stays or flights over the same period, just in case one or more of them are canceled. This comes as a rebound in ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-07

IBM擬斥資1560億 紐約建設晶片廠

... d Science Act),包括英特爾及美光等科技企業其後公布晶片廠建設計劃,IBM最新加入行列。 總統拜登 ...全文


APAC investment outlook: Patience needed

... West. In fact, the two largest central banks in Asia, the Bank of Japan (BoJ) and the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) are maintaining their neutral monetary policy stance to support the economy. The Int ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-03

Unlocking the billion-dollar economy of spatial data

... nment has actively engaged the private sector as both providers and users of spatial data, such as drone-captured images. The government has also cooperated with the private sector to offer new applic ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-03


... Espionage Act)罪名,一經定罪最高可被判終身監禁或死刑。另外,美國陸軍軍醫亨利(Jamie Hen ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2022年10月01日

賀錦麗晤尹錫悅 齊斥北韓核威嚇 前往兩韓非軍事區 平壤再射兩導彈

... Reduction Act)表示擔憂,擔心該法只對在北美洲組裝的電動車提供稅額減免,將損害南韓汽車製造商。賀錦 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年09月30日

能源價貴 歐洲製造業遷美

... 法案》(Jones Act)規定承載美國國內貨物的船舶必須在美國註冊,而美國並沒有本土註冊的LNG載運船,意味 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2022年09月30日


... an Policy Act),美對台政策將轉向「戰略清晰」。這將置菲律賓於兩難困境。一方面,《台灣政策法》標誌 ...全文


A Spectacular Disaster

...  economic act together, whereas in practice, it's clear ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年09月28日

A spectacular disaster

...  economic act together, whereas in practice, it’s clear that that is anything but the case. So much for being Trussworthy. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-27


... d Science Act 2022)是意識形態化的產業補貼政策,必然失敗,針對特定企業支持的產業政策,成功案 ...全文


Navigating a world in shock

... G20, is fractured and deadlocked, despite Indonesia’s valiant efforts as this year’s president. The international institutions, norms, and practices that we continue to rely on are increasingly being ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-21

How Wright’s Law can right the climate

As the world’s second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, the United States is critical to preserving a livable planet. And with the recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act – which allocates hundred ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-19


... an Policy Act of 2022),對1979年《台灣政策法案》原始版本作出修訂。新法案為美國增加向 ...全文


洪灝看淡樓價 未來3年冧四成

... an Policy Act of 2022)、美國對中國多個行業實施制裁、中俄關係發展,市場並不懂得將之反映在 ...全文


善用HKQAA評級 ESG指數跑贏恒指

... -Do-Check-Act)的管理方法,以衡量一家公司在管理相關指標下的表現,管理範疇涵蓋7個核心指標的一般及 ...全文


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