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... e need to keep reducing the federal deficit, which will ...全文



... 內知名的健身App「Keep」,其付費使用者超過1000萬,當中有一部分健身課程適用於居家環境,平台也會依據每 ...全文


Four green trends to watch in financial markets

... ents must keep the pace to continue providing robust solutions to market participants. In the equity space, this evolution translates to index providers ensuring their indices reflect the overall traj ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-30


... people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.) ...全文



女為悅己者容,多少女士為美好儀容,把keep fit瘦身視為終身志業。時至今日,男士愛美執正自己,亦毫不稀奇, ...全文


Not yet the beginning of the end for cryptos

... tended to keep their value stable versus a fiat currency or a real asset. While some of the stablecoins are assets-backed, such as Tether snd USDT, while others use an algorithm to replicate this peg ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-27

How can we work towards a greener Asia?

... hange and keep up the pressure for tangible action. These conversations also create opportunities for new forms of lending and investing, including innovative and popular products like sustainability- ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-26

Lessons to learn from the Teletubbies saga

... bility to keep safe. A secondary issue is how much the father wants to protect his kid from the shock and embarrassment which caused him to pay quickly without too many questions about the cost and th ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-25

知識都要Keep Fresh

... 有同感。身體固然需要Keep Fit,知識也需要Keep Fresh,尤其是在漫長的疫情下更不能怠慢,否則待疫 ...全文


The global hunger crisis is here

... re set to keep driving prices to new highs, with devastating implications for global hunger. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the fragility and dysfunctionality of the world’s food systems, with movement ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-24

Things would get worse before they get better

... ch should keep the price of Brent at around $110 per barrel. Economic slowdowns combined with continued high inflation rates, which also limit central banks’ room for maneuver, are thus the quite chal ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-23

海潤食品陳偉斌 開荒樂此不疲
職涯與吃結緣 屢遇伯樂領企業拓版圖

... 木)梳,好靚,而家仲keep住。」 可是Benjamin始終心繫飲食業,2011年過檔許留山做總經理,這次負責 ...全文


Preparing for climate overshoot

... , we will keep an open mind. At this 11th hour, we cannot afford to take any options off the table – at least not until we have investigated them fully. It is tragic that we must confront the conseque ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-20

Latest HK regulatory developments in the ESG space

... basis and keep abreast of the implementation progress. Investment Management Fund managers are required to identify relevant and material climate-related risks for each investment strategy and factor ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-18

虎豹樂圃李明哲 妙韻活化古蹟
鋼琴家轉型藝術行政 扶持本港音樂人才

... 閉館期間,啲老師都有keep住網課、搞網上音樂節,未來一定會繼續嘗試。」 「世界不停往前走,我哋做音樂、保育都 ...全文


緊縮形勢 戒急用忍

... 提及「KISS - Keep it simple, stupid.」,環球股市反覆慢跌已久,執筆之時美國長債反 ...全文


Reinventing Paris

... ive; they keep coming up with antiquated models. We have to do something! Il faut agir !” Missika then described his proposed initiative. The city was about to alienate several hundred million euros w ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-09


... 信是持之以恒的紀律,Keep fit節食運動多管齊下,才能長期保持最佳狀態。女藝人不能懶,稍為走樣便被嗤之以鼻 ...全文


China's stance toward Putin provokes hatred in Eastern Europe

... s want to keep? 更多精采英文內容,請瀏覽以下網址: www.ejinsight.com ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年05月05日

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